The Charts section of Visualizations grants you the flexibility to build custom data visualizations.
Monitor and visualize any payment metric, broken down by the dimensions you’re most concerned about, in whatever chart style meets your business needs. Fully customize your own charts to dive deep into the KPIs or customer segments most important to your company!
Creating New Charts
To build a new chart:
Navigate to Charts
Click Charts in the main navigation
Create a new chart
Click the arrow beside New Chart, then select from the available chart templates. To create a completely new chart from scratch, click New Chart.
Set date range
Use the Date Range filter in the top-right corner of the page to select the time period you want to view data for.
Select metric
Click Metric, then select a payments data metric from the drop-down to populate your chart.
Choose dimension
Click Dimension, then select a dimension to break down your chosen metric by in the chart. Keep in mind, the metric determines what dimensions appear in this menu; for example, a dispute-relevant dimension like Dispute Reason only appears when you select a dispute metric (e.g. Dispute Count).
Select visualization
Click View, then select how you want to visualize the data. The View you select determines the type of chart created.
Configure options
If available, click Options to apply additional settings to the chart.
Use the legend
The legend beneath the chart breaks down the values demonstrated above. Click a parameter to remove it from the chart.
Apply filters
To apply a filter to the displayed data, click Add Filter above the chart, then click a filter in the drop-down menu; select your preferred filter parameters and click Apply Filters. To remove a filter, click the X beside the filter name.
Save your chart
Click Save to save your custom chart for future use.
Check out our demonstration of how to use Charts on the Pagos YouTube channel.
If you’re not sure where to start when customizing your own data visualization, use a Pagos chart template! While on the main Charts page, click the arrow beside New Chart to open the menu of template categories. Click a category to select from the available templates. The categories and templates include:
You can build custom charts using the following metrics:
The dimension you select determines how the chart breaks down the chosen metric. For example, if you choose Processor, the chart will show your metric broken down across each of your processors. Keep in mind, the metric determines the available dimensions.
Choose from the following, organized into categories in the Dimensions drop-down menu:
Some dimensions are only available for count and value metrics, not rate metrics. For example, Chargeback Reason is not an available dimension option when you chose Chargeback Rate as the metric, because chargeback reason codes are only applicable to the numerator of the chargeback rate equation (chargeback count) and not the denominator (approved transaction count).
The View you select determines the style of chart created. If you make a chart for a count or value metric (e.g. approved transaction count or refund value), you can select from the following Views:
Across Time - Stacked bar chart with time on the x-axis; the dimension’s parameters make up each small bar within a stack
By Share - Pie chart with the dimension’s parameters making up each wedge
As Totals - Bar chart with the dimension on the x-axis; the dimension’s parameters each have their own bar
If you select a rate metric (e.g. approval rate), the chart will always be a line graph, with time on the x-axis and the rate percentage on the y-axis.
Depending on the View you selected, you will see an Options drop-down in the top-right corner of your chart. Click this menu to reveal the following toggles:
View Distribution - Adjust the chart to show the percent distribution of your data across the chosen dimension’s parameters. This option only appears for charts demonstrating a count or value Metric with the Across Time or As Totals View.
Frame Relevant Range - - Zoom in on the relevant range of values on the y-axis; this is especially valuable when the lines of a chart are very close together. This option only appears for charts demonstrating rate Metrics.
Editing and Deleting Existing Charts
To make changes to a previously saved chart:
Click Charts in the main navigation.
Click the desired chart in the menu of saved custom charts.
To edit the chart, make your changes to any field or filter, then click Save.
If you want to revert any changes, click Reset.
To delete the chart, click the … beside View, then click Delete Chart. Click Delete again to confirm.