Data & Response Codes
Pagos Data Dictionary
Response Code (Integer) | Short Code | Description |
920 | one-time | A transaction where the merchant doesn’t store the customer’s payment information on file |
921 | card-on-file-vault | A transaction initiated by a customer using stored card credentials they previously saved in your vault |
922 | card-on-file-repeat | A dynamic, standing instruction—agreed upon between the merchant and cardholder—to charge a customer’s card for a set amount whenever their account balance drops below a certain dollar amount |
923 | recurring | A transaction in a series of transactions made on a fixed, regular interval, as agreed upon by the merchant and cardholder (e.g. subscription payments) |
924 | installment | A single purchase of goods or services that is billed in payment installments, as agreed upon by the merchant and cardholder (e.g. Buy Now Pay Later) |
9999 | unknown | A value automatically assigned to any transactions the processor didn’t provide Stored Credential data for |
925 | recurring-first | The first transaction in a recurring series; used to help merchants identify new customers |
926 | moto | A transaction initiated via a mail or telephone order |
927 | pos | A transaction conducted using a point of sale |
928 | card-on-file | A transaction completed using crednetials stored in the merchant’s vault |
610 | voided | Transaction voided |
611 | settled | Settled |
612 | settlement_declined | Settlement declined |
613 | settlement_pending | Settlement pending |
614 | settling | Settling |
615 | submitted_for_settlement | Submitted for settlement |
616 | test | Test |
9999 | unknown | Unknown |
617 | verified | Verified |
618 | verifying | Verifying |
619 | verification | Verification |
Data Element | Data Field Name | Description |
disbursement_id | Disbursement ID | A unique value that identifies the disbursement and will be used as the key when making updates to disbursements. |
currency | Disbursement Currency | The currency of the disbursement. |
amount | Disbursement Amount | The disbursement amount, represented as a positive integer in the smallest currency unit. |
status | Disbursement Status | The status of the disbursement (e.g. paid, pending, canceled). |
payment_processor_name | Payment Processor Name | The payment processor the disbursement is processed through. |
created | Disbursement Creation Date | The date/time when the disbursement was created. |
updated | Disbursement Update Date | The date/time when the disbursement was updated. |
metadata | Metadata | An object-level label used to segment disbursements into meaningful groups. |
merchant_account_id | Merchant Account ID | A unique value assigned by the acquirer or processor to identify the merchant account. This value could match the merchant account ID associated with a region or country. |
Data Element | Data Field Name | Description |
refund_id | Refund Identifier | A unique value that identifies the refund and will be used as the key when making updates to transactions. |
order_id | Merchant Order Identifier | The merchant order reference. |
amount | Refund Amount | The refund amount, represented as a positive integer in the smallest currency unit. |
payment_processor_name | Payment Processor Name | The payment processor the refund is processed through. |
currency | Refund Currency | The currency of the refund, represented by the 3-letter ISO-4217 currency code. |
status | Refund Status | The status of the refund (e.g. success, pending, rejected). |
reason | Refund Reason | The reason for the refund. |
description | Refund Description | A long-form description of the refund. |
processor_response_code | Processor Response Code | The processor response for the refund (e.g. invalid amount, expired card, etc). |
pagos_refund_status | Pagos Refund Status | The Pagos refund status code that corresponds to the refund response status. |
created | Refund Creation Date | The date/time when the refund was created. |
updated | Refund Update Date | The date/time when the refund was updated. |
transaction_id | Transaction ID | The transaction ID of the original transaction associated with the refund. |
metadata | Metadata | An object-level label used to segment refunds into meaningful groups. |
payment_method_type | Payment Method Type | The payment method used for the refunded transaction (e.g. card, apple pay, paywithgoogle). |
network | Card Brand | The card brand used in the refund (e.g. visa, mastercard, discover). |
merchant_account_id | Merchant Account ID | A unique value assigned by the acquirer or processor to identify the merchant account. This value could match the merchant account ID associated with a region or country. |
Data Element | Data Field Name | Description |
dispute_id | Dispute Identifier | A unique value that identifies the dispute and will be used as the key when making updates to transactions. |
order_id | Merchant Order Identifier | The merchant order reference. |
amount | Dispute Amount | The dispute amount, represented as a positive integer in the smallest currency unit. |
payment_processor_name | Payment Processor Name | The payment processor the dispute is processed through. |
pagos_dispute_status | Pagos Dispute Status Code | The Pagos chargeback status code that corresponds to the dispute response status. |
pagos_dispute_reason | Pagos Dispute Reason Code | The Pagos chargeback reason code that corresponds to the dispute reason code. |
amount_refunded | Refunded Amount | The amount refunded to the customer, represented as a positive integer in the smallest currency unit. |
currency | Dispute Currency | The currency of the refund. |
status | Dispute Status | The status of the dispute (e.g. won, lost, pending). |
reason_code | Dispute Reason Code | The reason code for the dispute, which maps to a dispute reason (e.g. duplicate processing, fraud, stolen card). |
reason | Dispute Reason | The reason given for the dispute (e.g. duplicate processing, fraud, stolen card). |
created | Dispute Creation Date | The date/time when the dispute was created. |
updated | Dispute Update Date | The date/time when the dispute was updated. |
transaction_id | Transaction ID | The transaction ID of the original transaction associated with the dispute. |
metadata | Metadata | An object-level label used to segment disputes into meaningful groups. |
payment_method_type | Payment Method Type | The payment method used for the disputed transaction (e.g. card, apple pay, paywithgoogle). |
transaction_reference_id | ||
acquirer_reference_number | Acquirer Reference Number | The unique value assigned by the acquiring bank and passed through to the card brand and issuer, used to link a transaction to subsequent chargebacks. |
Fees and Invoices
Data Element | Data Field Name | Description |
fee_id | Fee Identifier | A unique value that identifies the fee. |
settlement_currency | Fee Settlement Currency | The settlement currency of the fee. |
payment_processor_name | Payment Processor Name | The payment processor the fee is processed through. |
merchant_account_id | Merchant Account ID | A unique value assigned by the acquirer or processor to identify the merchant account. This value could match the merchant account ID associated with a region or country. |
pagos_network_code | Pagos Card Brand Code | A Pagos code that corresponds to card brand of the payment method used. |
fee_name | Fee Name | Name of the fee (e.g. VI Misuse of Auth Fee, US Business Tier 1 CPS Product 1 [US BUS TR1 PRD 1], Account Updater). |
fee_subcategory | Fee Subcategory | The fee subcategory (e.g. network, value_added_services, penalties). |
fee_category | Fee Category | The fee category (e.g. interchange, assessment, processor). |
interchange_qualification | Interchange Fee Program Qualification | The interchange fee program (e.g. CPS/Retail Debit , CPS/Card Not Present Prepaid). |
fee_amount | Fee Amount | The fee amount, represented as a positive number in the smallest currency unit |
fee_amount_type | Fee Amount Type | Indicates if the fee amount is paid to the merchant (credit) or deducted from the merchant (debit). |
unit_quanity | Unit Quantity | The number of units the fee is applied to. |
unit_fee | Unit Fee Price | The price per each fee line item, represented as a positive nubmer in the smallest currency unit. |
unit_volume | Unit Volume | The amount (decimal) of the unit. |
percent_rate | Unit Fee Rate | The percentage rate applied to the unit amount for the fee. |
pagos_fee_name | Pagos Fee Name | The Pagos fee name that corresponds to the fee. |
pagos_payment_method | Pagos Payment Method | The Pagos payment method code that corresponds to the payment method type. |
pagos_network | Pagos Network | The Pagos code that corresponds to the card brand of the payment method. |
created | Fee Creation Date | The date when the fee was created |