Data & Response Codes
- Pagos Data Dictionary
- AVS Response Codes
- CVV Check Response Codes
- Disbursement Response Codes
- 3DS Response Codes
- Stored Credential Response Codes
- Transaction Status Codes
- Chargeback Reason Codes
- Chargeback Status Codes
- Fee Type Codes
- Refund Status Codes
- Transaction Response Codes (Decline Codes)
Data Ingestion
BIN Database
- BIN Data Tools
- Parrot API
- Parrot Batch
Account Updater
- Account Updater Tools
- Loon API
- Real-Time Loon API
curl --request POST \
--url{account_id}/transactions \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"transaction_id": "<string>",
"amount": 1,
"currency": "<string>",
"created": "<string>",
"status": "<string>",
"verification": true,
"stored_credential": "<string>",
"order": {
"id": "<string>",
"description": "<string>",
"descriptor": "<string>"
"payment_method_details": {
"payment_method_type": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"card": {
"bin": "<string>",
"last4": "<string>",
"expiry_month": "<string>",
"expiry_year": "<string>",
"fingerprint": "<string>",
"vaulted": "<string>",
"validation": {
"avs_address_result": "<string>",
"avs_postal_code_result": "<string>",
"avs_error_response_code": "<string>",
"cvc_result": "<string>"
"attributes": {
"network": "<string>",
"product_id": "<string>",
"type": "debit",
"category": "<string>",
"issuer_bank": "<string>",
"issuer_country": "<string>",
"payroll": true,
"healthcare": true,
"durbin_regulated": true,
"commercial": true
"paypal": {
"pp_payer_status": "<string>",
"pp_seller_protection_status": "<string>"
"bank": {
"customer_bank_routing_bic_number": "<string>",
"customer_bank_swift_code": "<string>",
"customer_bank_branch_code": "<string>",
"pm_bank_reference": "<string>"
"non_card_attributes": {
"pm_expiry_days": "<string>",
"debit_mandate_reference": "<string>"
"customer": {
"customer_id": "<string>",
"shopper_country": "<string>",
"postal_code": "<string>"
"3dSecure": {
"result": "<string>",
"version": "<string>",
"liability_shift": true,
"metadata": {},
"exemption_requested": "<string>"
"merchant": {
"merchant_id": "<string>",
"merchant_account_id": "<string>"
"transaction_response": {
"processor_response_code": "<string>",
"processor_response_text": "<string>",
"additional_processor_response": "<string>",
"network_response_code": "<string>",
"network_response_text": "<string>"
"additional_data": {
"network_transaction_id": "<string>",
"processor_authorization_code": "<string>",
"acquirer_reference": "<string>",
"is_network_tokenized": true,
"metadata": {}
"pagos_codes": {
"pagos_status": "authorization_expired",
"pagos_payment_method": "ach",
"pagos_transaction_response": "Invalid_qr_code",
"pagos_stored_credential": "card-on-file",
"pagos_network": "accel",
"pagos_avs": "avs_na_a",
"pagos_cvv": "cvv_matches_m",
"pagos_3dsecure_result": "authenticate_attempted"
Path Parameters
A unique value that identifies this transaction and will be used as the key when making updates to transactions. Maximum 255 characters.
1 - 255
The transaction amount, represented as a positive integer in the smallest currency unit (e.g. two-decimal currency such as $101.50 is represented as 10150, zero-decimal currency such as ¥1095 is represented as 1095). Refer to the ISO 4217 currency page for guidance.
x > 0
The currency of the transaction, represented by the 3-letter ISO-4217 currency code. Must be three characters.
The date when the transaction was created, represented in ISO 8601 format (e.g. 2023-09-04T16:13:05Z).
The status of the transaction (e.g. authorized, cancel_or_refund, canceled, capture, deposit, failed, gateway_rejected, paid, pending, processor_declined). Maximum 50 characters.
1 - 50
A flag identifying if the record is a card verification (i.e. $0 or $1 authorization). The possible values are true or false; the default value is false.
The payment method used for the transaction (e.g. card, apple pay, paywithgoogle). Maximum 255 characters.
1 - 255
A unique identifier for the payment method. Maximum 35 characters.
The first 4-9 digits of the payment card.
5 - 8
The last four digits of the card. Maximum four digits.
The expiration month of the payment card. Must be two digits.
The expiration year of the payment card. Must be four digits.
A unique identifier for the payment card number. Maximum 35 characters.
Identifies if the payment method was vaulted or not. Maximum 50 characters.
The raw processor response from the AVS address validation check. Maximum 15 characters.
The raw processor response from the AVS postal code validation check. Maximum 15 characters.
The AVS response code from the processor. Maximum 5 characters.
The CVV response code from the processor. Maximum 15 characters.
The card brand used in the transaction (e.g. visa, mastercard, discover). Maximum 50 characters.
The specific card brand product code of the card used in the transaction (e.g. product code "G" indicates Visa Business). Maximum 10 characters.
The type of card used in the transaction (e.g. debit or credit).
, credit
, prepaid
, unknown
The category of the card used in the transaction (e.g. corporate, commercial, consumer cards). Maximum 15 characters.
The category of the card used in the transaction (e.g. corporate, commercial, consumer cards). Maximum 128 characters.
The country where the card used in the transaction was issued, represented by a two-letter country code (ISO 3166 alpha-2).
Indicates if the payment method is a payroll card.
Indicates if the payment method is a healthcare card.
Indicates if the payment method is a durbin regulated card.
Indicates if the payment method is a commercial card.
The bank routing number of the payment method used. Maximum 50 characters.
The bank swift code of the payment method used. Maximum 50 characters.
The bank branch code of the payment method used. Maximum 50 characters.
The SEPA direct debit transit number. Maximum 50 characters
The transaction response code from the processor. Maximum 50 characters.
1 - 50
The transaction response text from the processor. Maximum 1024 characters.
Additonal transaction response text (e.g. Mastercard merchant advice code).
The response code from the card brand, representing the approval or decline code sent to the card brand from the issuer. Maximum 50 characters.
The detailed text response code from the card brand, representing the approval or decline code description sent to the card brand by the issuer. Note, this is not the summary or mapped response codes of your processor or acquirer. Maximum 255 characters.
Assign a Pagos code that corresponds to status.
, authorization_reversal
, authorized
, authorizing
, blocked_by_rule
, cancellation
, capture_failed
, captured
, declined
, failed
, no_value_provided
, pending
, settled
, settlement_declined
, settlement_pending
, settling
, submitted_for_settlement
, test
, unknown
, unreadable_value
, verification
, verified
, verifying
, voided
Assign a Pagos code that corresponds to payment_method_type.
, affirm
, affirm_pos
, afterpay
, afterpaytouch
, alipay
, androidpay
, androidpay_network_token
, alipay_wap
, applepay
, au_becs_debit
, bacs_debit
, bcmc_mobile
, ben_visa_vale
, blik
, boleto
, card
, cartao_de_todos_credit
, cashapp
, check
, credtodos_private_credit
, custom_actions_payment_method
, directdebit
, directebanking
, dotpay
, ebanking_fi
, eftpos_australia
, eftpos_australia_chq
, eftpos_australia_sav
, electronic_benefits_transfer
, electron
, eps
, facilypay_12x
, facilypay_3x
, facilypay_4x
, facilypay_6x
, fpx
, gcash
, girocard
, giropay
, googlepay
, googlewallet
, gopay
, grabpay
, ideal
, kakaopay
, kcp_payco
, klarna
, klarna_account
, klarna_alternative_payment_method
, klarna_bank_transfer
, klarna_base_account
, klarna_direct_debit
, klarna_fixed_amount
, klarna_fixed_sum_credit
, klarna_invoice
, klarna_pay_by_card
, klarna_paynow
, klarna_pix
, klarna_slice_it_by_card
, konbini
, link
, mbway
, mada_card
, mir
, mobilepay
, molpay_ebanking_th
, momo
, momo_wallet
, multibanco
, oney_pos
, onlinebanking
, oxxo
, p24
, paybybank
, paymaya_wallet
, paynow
, paypal
, paypal_pos
, paywithgoogle
, pix
, restorationhardware
, romcard_credit
, safetypay
, samsungpay
, sepadirectdebit
, shopping
, sodexo
, sofort
, sorocred_credit
, stripe_account
, swish
, ticket
, trustly
, twint
, us_bank_account
, twint_pos
, up_brazil_credit
, vale_refeicao_prepaid
, venmo
, venmo_pos
, vias
, vipps
, wechatpay
, wechatpay_pos
, zip
Assign a Pagos code that corresponds to transaction_response.processor_response_code.
, aborted_contactless_fallback
, acccount_not_active
, account_closed
, account_frozen
, account_not_available
, account_record_not_found
, additional_auth_credentials_required
, address_and_cvv_verification_failed
, address_verification_failed
, affirm_declined
, already_reversed
, already_voided
, aml_violation
, amount_exceeds_preauthorization
, amount_mismatch
, application_blocked_or_banned
, approved
, approved_vip
, approved_with_hold
, authentication_attempts_exceeded
, authentication_card_not_enabled
, authentication_error
, authentication_error_invalid_value
, authentication_error_required_field_missing
, authentication_expired
, authentication_failed
, authentication_not_supported_by_merchant
, authorization_expired
, authorization_not_found
, bank_account_restricted
, bank_not_supported_by_switch
, bank_ownership_changed
, blik_error
, blocked_3ds
, blocked_account_not_active
, blocked_avs
, blocked_blocklist
, blocked_cvc
, blocked_cvc_avs
, blocked_duplicate
, blocked_excessive_retry
, blocked_fraud_rule
, blocked_gateway
, blocked_merchant_rule
, blocked_test_mode
, blocked_venmo_token_issuance
, cancelled_card_removed
, cancelled_no_card
, cancelled_shopper_cancelled
, cancelled_while_printing
, cannot_verify_pin
, capture_failed
, card_account_length_error
, card_blacklisted
, card_not_active
, card_not_active_firstuse
, card_not_supported
, card_number_payment_method_mismatch
, cash_request_exceeded_limit
, cash_service_not_available
, cashapp_customer_request_declined
, cashapp_customer_request_expired
, cashapp_payment_declined
, could_not_process
, crash_recovery
, crypto_failure
, cryptographic_error_in_pin
, customer_authentication_required
, cvv_failure
, debit_not_authorized
, decline_gateway
, decline_merchant_rule
, decline_offline
, decline_online
, decline_processor_rule
, declined_by_processing_network
, declined_high_risk
, do_not_honor
, do_not_retry
, duplicate
, duplicate_authentication
, error
, error_currency_not_supported
, error_cvc
, error_emv
, error_failed_to_store_result
, error_incorrect_format
, error_missing_payment_details
, error_not_allowed
, error_not_supported_country_and_mcc
, error_parsing
, error_required_details_not_found_or_invalid
, error_required_field_not_provided
, exceeds_approval_amount_limit
, expired_card
, fraud_merchant_blacklist
, gateway_testaccount_used
, incorrect_or_missing_pin
, incorrect_or_missing_pin_cardpresent
, ineligible_for_financial_position_information
, ineligible_for_resubmission
, installments_not_allowed
, invalid_account_no_number
, invalid_amount_or_currency
, invalid_expiration_date
, invalid_expiry_month
, invalid_expiry_year
, invalid_level_III
, invalid_merchant
, invalid_payment_type
, invalid_shopper_data
, invalid_signature
, invalid_sku
, invalid_tax_amount
, invalid_token
, invalid_transaction
, issuer_inoperative_no_stip
, legal_violation
, lifecycle
, link_error
, lost_card_fraud
, merchant_cancelled
, new_account_information_information
, no_acquirer_account
, no_action_taken
, no_checking_account
, no_completion_message
, no_financial_impact
, no_network_token
, no_response
, no_savings_account
, no_such_issuer
, no_value_provided
, not_qualified_for_pin
, not_sufficient_funds
, partial_approval
, paypal_account_issue
, paypal_api_error
, paypal_email_formatting_issue
, paypal_transaction_denied
, paypal_transaction_partially_refunded
, paypal_transaction_pending
, paypal_transaction_reversed
, payu_error
, pending
, pending_for_3ds_authorization
, pick_up_card
, pick_up_card_fraud
, pin_change_denied
, pin_data_required
, pin_encryption_error
, pin_entry_attempts_exceeded
, pin_or_signature_missing
, pin_unblock_denied
, pos_unmapped
, private_label_card_notsupported
, processor_configuration_error
, processor_error
, processor_notconfigured
, processor_notsupported
, processor_restricted_or_locked_account
, processor_risk_rule
, reenter_transaction
, refer_to_issuer
, refer_to_issuer_1
, refund_time_limit_exceeded
, refused_due_to_policy_reason
, requires_action_from_customer
, restricted_account_geo
, restricted_card
, retry_later
, reversal_unsuccessful
, revocation_of_authorization
, routing_network_error
, security_violation
, settlement_pending
, single_use_virtual_card
, sofort_response_missing_or_invalid
, stip_forced
, stolen_card_fraud
, stop_all_recurring
, stop_current_recurring
, submission_error
, subscription_not_found
, surcharge_not_permitted
, surcharge_not_supported_by_issuer
, suspected_fraud
, terminal_cancelled
, timeout
, timeout_PIN_entry
, timeout_while_printing_receipt
, transaction_cancelled
, transaction_frequency_limit_exceeded
, transaction_not_allowed
, transaction_not_allowed_at_terminal
, unable_to_map
, undeliverable_payouts
, unknown
, unreadable_value
, unsolicited_reversal
, update_payment_information
, user_account_disabled_or_expired
, verification_or_return_approved
, verifications_not_supported
, vipps_error
, vipps_error_agreement_not_active
, vipps_error_cannot_rollback_transaction
, vipps_error_http_request_null
, vipps_error_invalid_orderid
, vipps_error_no_network_token
, voice_auth_required
, wallet_disabled
, withdrawals_frequency_exceeded
Assign a Pagos code that corresponds to stored_credential. Required when stored_credential contains a value.
, card-on-file-repeat
, card-on-file-vault
, installment
, moto
, one-time
, pay_later
, pos
, recurring
, recurring-first
, unknown
Assign a Pagos code that corresponds to Required if contains a value.
, ach
, affirm
, affn
, afterpay_clearpay
, alelo
, alipay
, amex
, argencard
, au_becs_debit
, bacs_debit
, bancontact
, banese_card_credit
, bijcard
, blik
, boleto
, cabal
, carnet
, cartao_de_todos_credit
, cartebancaire
, cartebancaire_applepay
, check
, cmr_falabella
, codensa
, credtodos_private_credit
, cu24
, custom_actions_payment_method
, dankort
, diners
, diners_club
, directdebit
, directebanking
, discover
, dotpay
, ebanking_fi
, eftpos_australia
, electron
, elo
, eps
, facilpay
, forbrugsforeningen
, fpx
, gcash
, girocard
, giropay
, googlewallet
, gopay
, grabpay
, hiper
, hipercard
, ideal
, interac
, interlink
, jcb
, kakaopay
, kcp_payco
, klarna
, klarna_alternative_payment_method
, klarna_bank_transfer
, klarna_base_account
, klarna_direct_debit
, klarna_fixed_amount
, klarna_fixed_sum_credit
, klarna_invoice
, klarna_pay_by_card
, klarna_pix
, klarna_slice_it_by_card
, konbini
, korean_creditcard
, korean_local_card
, laser
, link
, mach
, mada_card
, maestro
, mastercard
, mir
, molpay_ebanking_th
, momo
, momo_wallet
, multibanco
, naranja
, nativa
, netplus
, nets
, netscard
, no_value_provided
, nyce
, oca
, oney_pos
, onlinebanking
, oxxo
, p24
, paymaya_wallet
, paypal
, paypal_pos
, paysafecard
, paywithgoogle
, pix
, pril
, private_label
, prop
, pulse
, pulse-pinless
, restorationhardware
, romcard_credit
, rupay
, safetypay
, sepadirectdebit
, shazam
, shopping
, sodexo
, sofort
, solo
, sorocred_credit
, star
, stripe_account
, swish
, sycnhrony_plcc
, tarjeta_naranja
, ticket
, troy
, trustly
, twint
, twint_pos
, uatp
, unionpay
, unknowncard
, us_bank_account
, vale_refeicao_prepaid
, venmo
, venmo_pos
, verve
, vias
, vipps
, visa
, vpay
, wechatpay
, wechatpay_pos
, zip
Assign a Pagos code that corresponds to payment_method_details.card.validation.avs_postal_code_result.
, avs_name_match_m
, avs_name_nomatch_n
, avs_name_not_provided_i
, avs_name_not_verified_u
, avs_no_issuer_support_s
, avs_postal_match_m
, avs_postal_nomatch_n
, avs_postal_not_provided_i
, avs_postal_not_verified_u
, avs_results_unknown
, avs_skipped_b
, avs_street_match_m
, avs_street_nomatch_n
, avs_street_not_provided_i
, avs_street_not_verified_u
, avs_system_error_e
, no_value_provided
, unknown
Assign a Pagos code that corresponds to payment_method_details.card.validation.cvc_result. Required when payment_method_details.card.validation.cvc_result contains a value.
, cvv_na_a
, cvv_no_issuer_support_s
, cvv_no_match_n
, cvv_not_provided_i
, cvv_not_verified_u
, cvv_result_unavailable
, cvv_skipped_b
, unknown
Assign a Pagos code that corresponds to 3dsecure.result. Required if 3dsecure.result contains a value.
, authenticate_successful
, data_only
, error
, failed_rejected_or_not_attempted
, not_attempted
, out_of_scope_or_exempt
, unknown
A value identifying if the customer is present or not present for the transaction. It also identifies if the payment was from a stored payment method or a PAN (e.g. moto, POS, card on file, subscription). Maximum 255 characters.
The merchant order reference. Maximum 255 characters.
A long-form description of the transaction. Maximum 500 characters.
The descriptor that appears on cardholder statements, describing the transaction to the cardholder. Maximum 50 characters.
A unique string that identifies the customer. Maximum 128 characters.
The country where the customer is located, represented as a two-letter country code (ISO 3166 alpha-2).
The customer's postal code. Maximum 16 characters.
The result of the 3D Secure authentication (e.g authenticated, not_supported, failed). Maximum 25 characters.
The version of 3D Secure used to authenticate the transaction (e.g. 1.0.2). Maximum 10 characters.
An indicator boolean flag from the acquirer or payment service provider (PSP), showing whether liability shift was achieved with the authentication attempt.
A JSON object of 3D Secure metadata that captures important data regarding the authentication attempt.
A value indicating if a 3D Secure exemption was requested.
A unique string assigned by the aquirer or processor to identify the merchant. This value could match the merchant-level ID. Maximum 100 characters.
A unique string assigned by the aquirer or processor to identify the merchant account. This value could match the merchant account ID associated with a region or country. Maximum 100 characters.
The unique value assigned by the card brand to track the transaction. Maximum 255 characters.
The AuthCode provided by the card brand and issuer on the transaction. Maximum 50 characters.
The unique value assigned by the acquiring bank to track the transaction. Maximum 255 characters.
Indicates if the payment method has a network token.
A transaction-level label, represented as a JSON object and used to segment into meaningful groups. Metadata is typically used for segmentation by customer behavior (e.g. purchases from a particular seller) or merchant behavior (e.g. transaction routing or retries).
curl --request POST \
--url{account_id}/transactions \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"transaction_id": "<string>",
"amount": 1,
"currency": "<string>",
"created": "<string>",
"status": "<string>",
"verification": true,
"stored_credential": "<string>",
"order": {
"id": "<string>",
"description": "<string>",
"descriptor": "<string>"
"payment_method_details": {
"payment_method_type": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"card": {
"bin": "<string>",
"last4": "<string>",
"expiry_month": "<string>",
"expiry_year": "<string>",
"fingerprint": "<string>",
"vaulted": "<string>",
"validation": {
"avs_address_result": "<string>",
"avs_postal_code_result": "<string>",
"avs_error_response_code": "<string>",
"cvc_result": "<string>"
"attributes": {
"network": "<string>",
"product_id": "<string>",
"type": "debit",
"category": "<string>",
"issuer_bank": "<string>",
"issuer_country": "<string>",
"payroll": true,
"healthcare": true,
"durbin_regulated": true,
"commercial": true
"paypal": {
"pp_payer_status": "<string>",
"pp_seller_protection_status": "<string>"
"bank": {
"customer_bank_routing_bic_number": "<string>",
"customer_bank_swift_code": "<string>",
"customer_bank_branch_code": "<string>",
"pm_bank_reference": "<string>"
"non_card_attributes": {
"pm_expiry_days": "<string>",
"debit_mandate_reference": "<string>"
"customer": {
"customer_id": "<string>",
"shopper_country": "<string>",
"postal_code": "<string>"
"3dSecure": {
"result": "<string>",
"version": "<string>",
"liability_shift": true,
"metadata": {},
"exemption_requested": "<string>"
"merchant": {
"merchant_id": "<string>",
"merchant_account_id": "<string>"
"transaction_response": {
"processor_response_code": "<string>",
"processor_response_text": "<string>",
"additional_processor_response": "<string>",
"network_response_code": "<string>",
"network_response_text": "<string>"
"additional_data": {
"network_transaction_id": "<string>",
"processor_authorization_code": "<string>",
"acquirer_reference": "<string>",
"is_network_tokenized": true,
"metadata": {}
"pagos_codes": {
"pagos_status": "authorization_expired",
"pagos_payment_method": "ach",
"pagos_transaction_response": "Invalid_qr_code",
"pagos_stored_credential": "card-on-file",
"pagos_network": "accel",
"pagos_avs": "avs_na_a",
"pagos_cvv": "cvv_matches_m",
"pagos_3dsecure_result": "authenticate_attempted"