AVS Post Code

AVS Response (Integer)Short CodeDescription
350avs_postal_match_mThe postal code provided matches the information on file with the cardholder’s bank
351avs_postal_nomatch_nThe postal code provided doesn’t match the information on file with the cardholder’s bank
352avs_postal_not_verified_uThe card-issuing bank received the postal code but didn’t verify whether it was correct; this typically happens if the processor declines an authorization before the bank evaluates the postal code
353avs_postal_not_provided_iNo postal code was provided
358avs_no_issuer_support_sAVS information was provided but the card-issuing bank doesn’t participate in address verification; this typically indicates a card-issuing bank outside of the US, Canada, and the UK
359avs_system_error_eA system error prevented any verification of street address or postal code
360avs_na_aAVS information was provided but this type of transaction doesn’t support address verification
362avs_results_unknownAVS results are unknown
364avs_name_nomatch_nThe name provided doesn’t match the information on file with the cardholder’s bank

AVS Line Code

AVS Response (Integer)Short CodeDescription
354avs_street_match_mThe street address provided matches the information on file with the cardholder’s bank
355avs_street_nomatch_nThe street address provided doesn’t match the information on file with the cardholder’s bank
356avs_street_not_verified_uThe card-issuing bank received the street address but didn’t verify whether it was correct; this typically happens if the processor declines an authorization before the bank evaluates the address
357avs_street_not_provided_iNo street address was provided
360avs_na_aAVS information was provided but this type of transaction doesn’t support address verification
362avs_results_unknownAVS results are unknown
364avs_name_nomatch_nThe name provided doesn’t match the information on file with the cardholder’s bank