Chargeback Reason Codes
Chargeback Reason Codes
Chargeback Reason Code (Integer) | Short Code | Description | Chargeback Reason Category |
500 | FRAUD_GENERIC | Generic fraud; no further information | FRAUD |
501 | CARD_NOT_PRESENT | Card not present | FRAUD |
502 | STOLEN_CARD_FRAUD | Stolen card fraud | FRAUD |
503 | LOST_CARD_FRAUD | Lost card fraud | FRAUD |
504 | UNAUTHORIZED_UNRECOGNIZED | Cardholder didn’t authorize or doesn’t recognize the transaction | FRAUD |
505 | ACCOUNT_TAKE_OVER | Account takeover | FRAUD |
506 | COUNTERFEIT_FRAUD | Counterfeit fraud | FRAUD |
507 | FRAUD_AUTO_DEFENDED | Fraud; auto-defended | FRAUD |
508 | CARD_ISSUED_ON_FRAUDLENT_APPLICATION | Card issued on fraudulent application | FRAUD |
510 | DUPLICATE_PROCESSING | Duplicate processing | PROCESSING_ERROR |
511 | INCORRECT_AMOUNT | Incorrect amount | PROCESSING_ERROR |
512 | INCORRECT_PROCESSING | Incorrect processing | PROCESSING_ERROR |
513 | PAID_BY_OTHER_MEANS | Paid by other means | PROCESSING_ERROR |
514 | FRAUD_MONITORING_PROGRAM | Fraud monitoring service identified risk | FRAUD |
520 | MERCHANDISE_NOT_RECEIVED | Merchandise/product not received | CUSTOMER_DISPUTE |
521 | MERCHANDISE_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED | Merchandise/product not as described | CUSTOMER_DISPUTE |
522 | CREDIT_NOT_PROCESSED | Credit not processed | CUSTOMER_DISPUTE |
523 | GENERIC_CUSTOMER_DISPUTE | Generic customer dispute; no further information | CUSTOMER_DISPUTE |
524 | CANCELLED_RECURRING_SERVICE | Canceled recurring transaction/service | CUSTOMER_DISPUTE |
526 | INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS | Not enough funds available in the account to cover the transaction | PROCESSING_ERROR |
527 | INVALID_DATA | Invalid or incorrect data | PROCESSING_ERROR |
528 | LATE_PRESENTMENT | The transaction wasn’t sent to the issuer within the timeframe required | AUTHORIZATION_ERROR |
529 | DECLINED_AUTHORIZATION | Authorization was declined | FRAUD |
598 | RFI | Request for information | RFI |
599 | MISCELLANEOUS | Miscellaneous; no future information from the payment service provider | MISCELLANEOUS |
9999 | UNKNOWN | Unknown | |
531 | SEPA_DISPUTE | SEPA dispute | |
532 | INVALID_ACCOUNT | Invalid account | PROCESSING_ERROR |
533 | REJECTS | This code identifies rejected items that are processed through the chargeback system | PROCESSING_ERROR |
534 | REVERSALS | This code indicates the reversal of a previous chargeback transaction that was sent to us by the issuer in error | PROCESSING_ERROR |
535 | EXCEPTION PROCESSING | This code identifies all exception adjustment processing items | MISCELLANEOUS |
536 | Processing_Error | Processing error occurred | PROCESSING_ERROR |
537 | atm_dispute | Cardholder recieved the wrong amount from an ATM | CUSTOMER_DISPUTE |
538 | INCORRECT_CURRENCY | Transaction was processed in the Incorrect currency | PROCESSING_ERROR |
539 | MERCHANDISE_DAMAGED | Merchandise or product was damaged or defective | CUSTOMER_DISPUTE |
540 | MERCHANDISE_RETURNED | Merchandise or product was returned | CUSTOMER_DISPUTE |
541 | FRAUD_PROGRAM | The merchant is already in a fraud program and a cardholder claimed the charge is fraudulent | MISCELLANEOUS |
542 | CHARGEBACK_REVERSED | Credited; chargeback reversed | ADJUSTMENT |
543 | EXPIRED_CARD | The card was expired | PROCESSING_ERROR |
544 | NO_SIGNATURE | No signature | PROCESSING_ERROR |
545 | NO_SHOW | Cardholder claims a no-show or cancelation policy wasn’t properly disclosed | MISCELLANEOUS |
546 | DISPUTE_ADJUSTMENT | Dispute adjustment | ADJUSTMENT |
547 | QUESTIONABLE_CLIENT_ACTIVITY | Questionable client activity | FRAUD |
548 | CHIP_LIABILITY_SHIFT | Chip liability shift | PROCESSING_ERROR |
549 | NO_IMPRINT | Sales draft does not contain a JCB card imprint or the transaction data read from the magnetic stripe/IC chip of the JCB card. | PROCESSING_ERROR |
550 | HIGH_RISK_ORDER | The order was deemed high risk | FRAUD |
551 | INCORRECT_INVOICE | Customer claims incorrect invoice such as missing discounts or items on the invoice are incorrect | CUSTOMER_DISPUTE |
552 | NO_VALUE_PROVIDED | Pagos didn’t receive a value from the processor | NO_VALUE_PROVIDED |
553 | UNREADABLE_VALUE | Pagos received a value from the processor that we can’t interpret (e.g. test1234, dflgoiwyz) | UNREADABLE_VALUE |
554 | NO_REPLY | Merchant failed to respond to an inquiry by the stated deadline | CUSTOMER_DISPUTE |
555 | GOOD_FAITH_INVESTIGATION | A dispute was initiated after the normal time frame, and the merchant accepted it | CUSTOMER_DISPUTE |
556 | REASON_NOT_AVAILABLE | Reason code not available | MISCELLANEOUS |
597 | VIOLATION | Violation of regulations | PROCESSING_ERROR |