Refund Status Codes
Refund Status Codes
Refund Response (Integer) | Short Code | Description | Refund Status Category |
830 | approved | Approved | successful |
831 | declined | Declined | declined |
832 | pending | Pending | pending |
833 | error | Error | error_or_failed |
834 | disputed | Disputed | declined |
835 | amount_too_high | Requested refund amount too high | declined |
836 | partially_refunded | Partially refunded | declined |
837 | partially_disputed | Partially disputed | declined |
838 | refunded | Already fully refunded | declined |
839 | partially_refunded_and_disputed | Partially refunded and partially disputed | declined |
840 | insufficient_funds | Insufficient funds on account | declined |
841 | transaction_not_captured | Transaction has not been captured | declined |
9999 | unknown | unknown | unknown |
842 | operation_expired | The maximum period for this operation has expired | declined |
843 | duplicate | Duplicate | declined |
844 | do_not_honor | Do not honor | declined |
845 | wrong_currency | Wrong currency | declined |
846 | has_chargeback | Has chargeback | declined |
847 | transaction_recaptured | Transaction recaptured | declined |
848 | operation_failed | Operation failed | error_or_failed |
849 | timeout | Timeout | declined |
850 | transaction_not_found | Transaction not found | declined |
851 | transaction_refused | Transaction refused | declined |
852 | no_account | No account | declined |
853 | processor_unavailable | Processor unavailable | declined |
854 | invalid_merchant | Invalid merchant | declined |
855 | refer_to_issuer | Refer to the issuer for more information | declined |
856 | expired_card | The payment card in question is expired | declined |
857 | invalid_amount | Invalid amount | declined |
858 | requested_by_customer | Requested by customer | declined |
859 | fraudulent | Fraudulent | declined |
860 | no_such_issuer | No such issuer | declined |
861 | pick_up_card | Pick up card; call issuer | declined |
862 | voided | Voided | cancelled |
863 | lost_or_stolen_card | The payment card in question is lost or stolen | declined |
864 | refund_more_than_settled_amount | The account is not configured to refund more than the settled amount | declined |
865 | merchant_cancelled | Canceled by the merchant | cancelled |
866 | terminal_cancelled | Canceled by the terminal | cancelled |
867 | refund_refused | The refund was refused | declined |
868 | shopper_cancelled | Canceled by the customer | cancelled |
869 | declined_offline | Declined offline | declined |
870 | blocked_card | The card cannot be used for this transaction | declined |
871 | crash_recovery | Crash recovery | error_or_failed |
872 | shopper_did_not_present_card | Shopper did not present the card | cancelled |
873 | amount_too_low | Requested refund amount too low | declined |
874 | one_request_per_day | Only one request is allowed per day | declined |
875 | failed_to_go_online | Failed to go online | error_or_failed |
876 | refund_not_allowed | This refund isn’t allowed | declined |
877 | operation_not_available | Operation not available | error_or_failed |
878 | invalid_transaction_type | Invalid transaction type | declined |
879 | restricted_card | The card is restricted | declined |
880 | issuer_unavailable | The issuer is unavailable | error_or_failed |
881 | no_answer | No answer from the network | error_or_failed |
882 | suspected_fraud | Suspected fraud | declined |
883 | stop_all_billing | Cancellation of a recurring transaction or subscription | declined |
884 | operation_maximum_period_allowed | The operation exceeded the maximum period allowed | declined |
885 | invalid_payment_details | Incomplete or invalid payment details | error_or_failed |
886 | partial_refund_not_allowed | Partial refund not allowed | declined |
887 | closed_card | The card or account is closed | declined |
888 | informational_data | Informational data; not included in the charts | informational_data |
889 | withdrawals_limits_exceeded | The withdrawal amount or frequency exceeds the withdrawal limits | declined |
890 | card_not_active | The card is not active or the account may not yet be fully active | declined |
891 | pending_refund_disputed | The customer disputed a charge while the refund is pending | declined |
892 | partial_capture | Partial capture | declined |
893 | refund_reversed | The refund was reversed | declined |
894 | only_one_refund_is_supported | Only one refund is supported | declined |
895 | no_value_provided | Pagos didn’t receive a value from the processor | no_value_provided |
896 | unreadable_value | Pagos received a value from the processor but can’t interpret it (e.g. test1234, dflgoiwyz) | unreadable_value |
897 | invalid_transaction | Invalid transaction | declined |