Data Enrichment
The Data Enrichment section of your Pagos Service Panel provides you with added context regarding the payments data you import into Pagos.
It contains the following sections:
- BIN Data - Identify the top BINs associated with payment cards you’ve processed. Note this page is in the Data Enrichment section of the main navigation. Learn more in our Pagos BIN Data UI guide.
- Custom Data - View aggregated metrics on Metadata and Soft Descriptors you’ve passed with your transactions.
Custom Data
Custom Data in broken into two tabs: Metadata and Soft Descriptors. Each tab contains a table presenting statistics on attributes of your data to better inform how you filter your charts and dashboards when searching for insights or checking the health of your payments stack. You can take the following actions to organize a Custom Data table:
- Use the Date Range filter in the top-right corner to select a specific time period
- Click Add Filter to filter the table by Processor or Card Brand
- Click Export to download a CSV file of the table’s data; in the side panel, you’ll select which columns you want to include in the downloaded report
Soft Descriptors
This table identifies the top soft descriptors used in your transaction data, along with aggregated metrics for the transactions tagged with those soft descriptors. You can use this information to identify the best soft descriptors to filter other Visualizations dashboards by when exploring trends in your transaction data.
To view data in this table, start by clicking the Metadata filter and selecting a metadata field you want to view payments data for. The table then displays each metadata value associated with that field, along with aggregated metrics for the transactions tagged with those metadata values. You can use this information to identify the best metadata fields to filter your Visualizations dashboards by. Learn more about how you might use metadata in our Labeling Transactions with Soft Descriptors and Metadata guide.