Getting Started With Loon Account Updater
Card brands like Visa and MasterCard provide issuing banks with secure communication networks to assist them in distributing updated card information to merchants or payment service providers (PSPs) who vault card credentials. By leveraging these networks, your business can decrease customer checkout friction and churn, and increase overall transaction approval rates by keeping customer card information updated in real time. For more information about the general benefits of account updater solutions like Loon, see our Account Updater guide.
With Loon by Pagos, you can access two account updater tools:
Loon API
Request and receive updated account details from all the major card brands (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex Direct, and Amex OptBlue). Use the Loon API to securely send us card details from your vault using individual API calls, batch calls, or batch file uploads, and receive updated account information from the card brands in return.
Real-Time Loon
Securely update your stored card details from Visa and Mastercard ad-hoc or at the time of a transaction. With a real time account updater, you’ll never attempt a transaction with outdated card credentials ever again.
Whether you use one or multiple payment processors, Loon can help you gain control over your valued card credentials and provide your customers with a better—and consistent—checkout experience!
Use Cases
Loon can be used for the following types of account changes:
- New Card - New card credentials issued due to lost or stolen cards, fraud, product upgrades, brand flips, or portfolio flips
- Expiry - Receipt of a card’s new expiration date
- Closure - A message indicating that merchant, acquirer, or PSP should contact the cardholder for new payment credentials after the cardholder’s account has been closed
Request Access
Contact us if you’re interested in the Loon API or Real-Time Loon.