Parrot Service Panel

The Parrot Service Panel is a user interface for the Parrot BIN service within the Pagos platform. You can use this service panel to monitor your API requests, manage and change your account configuration, and access your billing details.

Navigating the Parrot Service Panel

To access the Parrot Service Panel:

  1. Log into your Pagos account.
  2. If you subscribe to multiple Pagos services, the product service panel you land on will default to whichever one you viewed last. If you don’t land on Parrot, click the product name at the top of the main navigation, then click Parrot.

Use the main navigation to explore the Parrot Service Panel:

  • BIN Search - Look up a BIN and review the response in plain text or as it would appear in a response from the Parrot API. Click on a sample BIN to test out Parrot quickly.
  • API Metrics - Review data for the types of requests you've made to the Parrot API (regular vs. enhanced) and the response time of those requests. By default, these graphs display data by day from the last seven days. To view historical data, click the Date Range filter.
  • Developers - Manage your existing API keys and generate new ones.

If you’re subscribed to other Pagos services, click the Parrot icon at the top of the main navigation to switch between products. To manage your overall Pagos account settings, click your profile icon in the top right, then click Manage Account.