Loon Testing

Ensure your Loon integration works correctly by simulating Account Updater responses in the Loon sandbox.


Loon and Real-Time Loon

You can use the following test values and responses in the Loon Sandbox for both Loon and Real-Time Loon.

Step 1: Request Access to Loon



The Loon sandbox is not available for self-signup at this time.

If you’re interested in Loon, contact us to request a demo. The Pagos Accounts team will email you with an invitation to our Loon Sandbox environment. Follow the link in the invitation to confirm your email address, create a Sandbox password, and complete your account setup.

Step 2: Generate Your Loon Sandbox API Keys

To generate your API keys:

  1. Log into your Sandbox.
  2. Click Developers at the bottom of the left navigation.
  3. Click Create API Key.
  4. Save the Client Key and Private Key in your secrets for future reference.



This is the only time you can view this Private Key!

These API Keys are universal across the sandbox and will be used for testing both Toucan and Loon.

Step 3: Test Loon

You're ready to begin testing the full capabilities of Loon! Follow the instructions in our Loon Overview guide to perform the following actions in the Sandbox using our Sandbox testing values:

  1. Authenticate to confirm your access to the Loon service
  2. Set up webhooks to receive notifications when important events occur
  3. Register encryption keys with Loon
  4. Prepare your data to be transferred securely to Loon
  5. Submit Card Update Inquiries via the API (sending files via SFTP is not currently possible with the Loon Sandbox)
  6. Check the status of your inquiry jobs
  7. Receive updated card details

For a detailed client sample, check out our Loon JS example in github.


Keep in Mind:

  • The Loon Sandbox is a stateless system that responds with simulated responses and processes in a synchronous manner
  • When you submit test values, you'll receive the expected response and corresponding webhook immediately

Loon Test Values


Visa Test Card DetailsLoon Response CodeLoon Error CodeResponse Code DescriptionVisa Updated Card Details (If Applicable)
PAN: 4111111111111111
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LAEChange in account number or change in account number and expiration datePAN: 4166676667666746
PAN: 4012888888881881
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LAEChange in account number or change in account number and expiration datePAN: 4212345678910006
Exp Month: 12
Exp Year: 2026
PAN: 4330251207506660
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LCAClosed account
PAN: 4539097887163333
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LEDChange in expiration dateExp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2026
PAN: 4929980395567582
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LCCContact cardholder
PAN: 4929544240318920
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LNBNon-participating BIN
PAN: 4916725297925395
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LNMParticipating BIN - No match
PAN: 4711358892785746
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LNCNo change in account details
PAN: 4035501000000008
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LCOCard holder opt-out
PAN: 4035501428146300
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE02Account number invalid
PAN: 4917610000000000
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE03Account number format invalid
PAN: 4111111145551142
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE04Expiration date invalid
PAN: 4111112014267661
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE05Merchant not registerd


MasterCard Test Card DetailsLoon Response CodeLoon Error CodeResponse Code DescriptionMastercard Updated Card Details (If Applicable)
PAN: 5555555555554444
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LAEChange in account number or change in account number and expiration datePAN: 5454545454545454
PAN: 5105105105105100
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LAEChange in account number or change in account number and expiration datePAN: 5233580618829955
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2026
PAN: 5461310156953048
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LCAClosed account
PAN: 5325191087030619
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LEDChange in expiration dateExp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2026
PAN: 5580422612666704
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LNBNon-participating BIN
PAN: 5157204564548129
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LNMParticipating BIN - No match
PAN: 5336475987107024
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LNCNo change in account details
PAN: 5412000000001009
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LNCNo change in account details
PAN: 5555341244441115
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE03Account number format invalid
PAN: 5577000055770004
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE04Expiration date invalid
PAN: 5555444433331111
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE05Merchant not registered
PAN: 5100060000000002
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE06Sub-merchant not registered


Discover Test Card DetailsLoon Response CodeLoon Error CodeResponse Code DescriptionDiscover Updated Card Details
(If Applicable)
PAN: 6011111111111117
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LAEChange in account number or change in account number and expiration datePAN: 6011000990139424
PAN: 6011601160116611
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LAEChange in account number or change in account number and expiration date PAN: 6445644564456445
Exp Month: 12
Exp Year: 2026
PAN: 6011168802268945
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LCAClosed account
PAN: 6011690151507086
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year : 2023
LEDChange in expiration dateExp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2026
PAN: 6011444770992901
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LCCContact cardholder
PAN: 6011760519541711
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LBCBrand conversion
PAN: 6011490740263725
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LCPCorrected previous update
PAN: 6011178332216017
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE01Undefined error
PAN: 6011829379808385
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE02Account number invalid
PAN: 6011648103759866
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE04Expiration date invalid

American Express

Amex Test Card DetailsLoon Response CodeLoon Error CodeResponse Code DescriptionAmex Updated Card Details (If Applicable)
PAN: 378282246310005
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LAEChange in account number or change in account number and expiration datePAN: 375155165213132
PAN: 371449635398431
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LAEChange in account number or change in account number and expiration datePAN: 348835199015504
Exp Month: 12
Exp Year: 2026
PAN: 370488998077498
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LCAClosed account
PAN: 373555735376156
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LEDChange in expiration dateExp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2026
PAN: 377752749896404
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LCCContact cardholder for updated Account Information
PAN: 378025849667382
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE02Account number invalid
PAN: 348322853530243
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE03Account number format invalid
PAN: 378734493671000
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE04Expiration date invalid
PAN: 370000000000002
Exp. Month: 12
Exp. Year: 2023
LE05Merchant not registered


All Other Card Values

For all other card numbers sent in an inquiry, the response will be: LNR - No Card Brand Response