To make changes to your Pagos account details:

  1. Click your profile icon in the navigation bar, then click Manage Account.
  2. Click the Account section.



Your role permissions determine what information you can view and edit within this section.

Personal Details

You can manage your personal account information from the Personal Details page within the Account section. This page includes details you previously entered about yourself and your company. Click the pencil icon beside your name to make changes to the following fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Country
  • Time Zone – The time zone where your business is domiciled (note: you can also change your time zone from the menu of settings shortcuts.
  • Operating Currency - The primary currency your company operates in; knowing this will help us monitor and benchmark foreign exchange conversions. At this time, your operating currency options are USD, EUR, CAD, SEK, GBP, BRL, ARS, CLP, and MXN.

Company Details

If you are an Admin of your Pagos account, you'll have a Company Details page within the Account section. Here, you can enter relevant details about your business model and industry. The more we know about your business setup and where you're operating, the more tailored our services will be.

Click the pencil icon beside your company name to make changes to the following fields:

  • Company Name
  • Company Website
  • Industry - Select an industry (or multiple industries) from the drop-down menu that best describes the main business vertical you're operating in. This information helps us provide you with accurate benchmark and comparison data.
  • MCC - Your MCC (merchant category code) is a four digit number that card networks use to define your business vertical. Contact [email protected] if you need help finding this information.
  • Customer Locations - Select the countries where you know you have a customer base.
  • Annual Sales Volume - Select your estimated annual sales volume ($0-1 million, $1-10 million, $10-50 million, $50+ million)
  • Payment Channels - Click each channel your company transacts with customers through (Apple-mobile, Web, Google-mobile, or In-person).
  • Business Model - Click On-demand or Subscription to identify the primary type of product or service you sell to your customers.


Navigate to the Preferences page in the Account section to customize your Pagos account.

If you're subscribed to more than one Pagos product, you can select a Default Product; this is the product service panel you'll automatically land on after logging into your Pago account.

You can also select your default product and chart styles from the menu of settings shortcuts.

Settings Shortcuts

When you click your profile icon, a drop-down menu opens. This menu contains shortcuts for adjusting some basic settings in your Pagos account:

  • Chart style
  • Time Zone
  • Default product