Peacock Changelog (February 20, 2023)

We have enhanced the BIN filter to enable more than one BIN at a time. Once you enter your first BIN and click Enter, you now have the option to add multiple BINs.

There is a new chart in the Decline Codes dashboard called Decline Codes Category Transactions. The chart breaks out declines between transactions declined pre-authorization (e.g. merchant rule/processor rule) and transactions declined post-authorization (e.g. insufficient funds) declines. This chart has sub-charts:

  • Share of Transaction Count by Decline Code Category - The total number of transactions you processed in the set time period, broken down by decline code category
  • Share of Transaction Value by Decline Code Category - The total value of all processed transactions, broken down by decline code category
  • Decline Code Category Transaction Count - The number of transactions you processed—both in total and per decline code category
  • Decline Code Category Transaction Value - The total value of all transactions you processed—both in total and per decline code category

In the Costs dashboard, the Costs by Category and Subcategory chart now has an additional option in the sub-chart. This allows you to view fees by single processors. Hover over the right-facing arrow next to the chart subtitle, and you’ll find a side dropdown that lists all of your processors. Once you select a processor, you can click each cost category to see the raw process codes that relate to the fees broken down by Processor, Interchange, and Assessment categories. You can also set the processor of your choice as a default view by clicking on the star icon to the right of the processor name.

In the Data Sources panel, you can now add an alias to your Merchant Account ID. When you click on Edit Data Sources, you will find a space to add aliases to the different Merchant Account IDs. These aliases will be reflected in the Processor filter in all Peacock dashboards.