Getting Started with Real-Time Loon


Real-Time Loon is an account updater service that facilitates pulling updated card details from Visa and Mastercard ad-hoc or at the time of a transaction. With a real time account updater, you’ll never attempt a transaction with outdated card credentials ever again. If you’re seeing a significant number of declines in your payments data with decline codes related to invalid accounts, lost or stolen cards, and expired cards for example, Real-Time Loon can help you turn these avoidable declines into revenue for your business.



At this time, Real-Time Loon is only available for Visa and Mastercard.

Request Access

Contact us if you’re interested in Real-Time Loon.

Testing Real-Time Loon

Testing for Real-Time Loon is done with in the Loon Sandbox using the same simulated values and responses as referenced in our Loon Testing guide.