Data Filters

Each custom and standard dashboard in the Peacock Service Panel comes equipped with a set of built-in filters. Use these filters to refine your aggregated commerce data by properties like processor, card brand, currency, and more. You can even combine filters to view very specific segments of data, and save these Views for future use.

Applying Filters

To apply filters to a dashboard in the Peacock Service Panel:

  1. Navigate to the custom or standard dashboard you want to filter.
  2. To apply the Compare To or Date Range filter, click the associated drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the dashboard.
  3. To apply any other filter option, click Add Filter.
  4. Click a filter in the drop-down menu, select your preferred filter parameters, then click Apply Filters.
  5. To add another filter, click More Filters, then repeat the previous steps to select a filter and the desired filter parameters.

Filter Workflow

This workflow demonstrates exactly how to complete these steps in Peacock. Click Read more at the top of the workflow window to reveal more context for each step:

Filter Options

Peacock contains the following filters:

  • Compare to - Compare the data from the selected period to that of the previous time period or a custom date range; at this time, this filter functionality doesn't apply to pie charts.
  • Date Range - Set a date range, along with a time interval to break the data down by (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly). Keep in mind, hourly data for a date range more than 3 months ago will have slow load times.
  • Processor - View data for transactions processed through the selected data connections; you can filter down to the Processor, Data Source Name, or even the Merchant Account ID level. If you've assigned aliases to your Merchant Account IDs, those alias names will appear in the filter menu.
  • Card Brand - View data for transactions made using payment cards from the selected card brands.
  • Card Type - View data for transactions made with the selected payment card types (e.g. credit, debit, prepaid).
  • Card Product - View data for transactions made with the selected card product.
  • Payment Method Type - View data for transactions made with the selected payment methods (e.g. amazon_pay, android_pay, apple_pay, card, google_pay, PayPal wallet, sepa, klarna, and ideal).
  • Stored Credential - View data for the selected transaction types, identified by their use of stored payment credentials (e.g. one-time, recurring, installment).
  • Network Token - View data for transactions made with customer primary account numbers (PANs) or network tokens.
  • Transaction Status - View data for transactions with the selected status at the time indicated in the Date Range filter.
  • Transaction Response Code - View data for transactions with the selected issuer response codes (e.g. do_not_honor, expired_card, decline_gateway, etc.).
  • Transaction Size - View data for transactions whose total value was greater than, less than, or between the indicated amount(s) in USD; for transactions processed in other currencies, view data for transactions whose total value converts to the filtered USD amount.
  • Deduplication - Remove duplicate transaction data (e.g. retries) from your visualizations.
  • Issuing Bank - View data for transactions made using payment cards issued by the selected issuing banks.
  • Issuing Region - View data for transactions made with cards issued in the selected regions.
  • Issuing Country - View data for transactions made with cards issued in the selected countries.
  • Customer Region - View data for transactions made by customers located in the selected regions.
  • Customer Country - View data for transactions made by customers located in the selected countries.
  • Presentment Currency - View data for transactions processed in the selected presentment currencies.
  • BIN - View data for transactions made with payment cards with the selected bank identifier numbers (BINs).
  • CVV - View data for transactions with the selected CVV response codes.
  • AVS Line Code - View data for transactions with the selected AVS line codes.
  • AVS Post Code - View data for transactions with the selected AVS post codes.
  • Rapid Dispute Resolution - View data for transactions tagged by Visa as Rapid Dispute Resolution. Transactions from any other card brand will be categorized as No Value Provided.
  • Chargeback Status - View data only for disputed transactions with the selected chargeback status code.
  • Chargeback Reason - View data only for disputed transactions with the selected chargeback reason code.
  • Soft Descriptor - View data for only those transactions with a transaction descriptor that includes the text entered in the text field; if you're unsure what soft descriptors you currently use, check out the Soft Descriptors page in the Know Your Data section of your Pagos account.
  • Soft Descriptor Groups - If you’ve create groupings of your soft descriptors, you can view data for only transactions with those soft descriptors; if you want to set up soft descriptor groups, contact your Pagos account manager
  • Metadata - View data for transactions tagged with certain metadata. To filter for transactions tagged with one specific metadata value, select a Metadata Name from the drop-down menu and enter the value in the text box. Keep in mind the Metadata filter functionality outlined below. If you're unsure what metadata fields and values your transactions may be tagged with, check out the Metadata page in the Know Your Data section of your Pagos account.
  • Adyen Retry Attempt - View data for Adyen transactions tagged with specific retry flags (Adyen retries some failed transaction attempts multiple times based on their own internal logic; when we pull your transaction data from Adyen, we only ingest the final attempt of a retried Adyen transaction, tagging it with a custom retry flag indicating the total number of times Adyen attempted the transaction).
  • Track Device Data - View data for transactions the processor collected device data for or did not. At this time, this filter only applies to transactions processed through Braintree; transactions processed through other processors will be categorized under No Value Provided.

Metadata Filter Functionality

To filter for transactions tagged with multiple metadata values, first use the AND/OR slider to choose how the filter will search your data:

  • AND - Select a Metadata Name from the drop-down menu and enter a Value, then click Add to repeat this step. The filter will only surface data for transactions tagged with both metadata values.
  • OR - Select a Metadata Name from the drop-down menu. Then, either type one or more values into the Value text box (clicking Add between each) or set a different Metadata Name/Value combination. The filter will surface data for transactions tagged with at least one of the metadata values selected.

Saving Views

You can save a combination of filter parameters for future use by creating a View. To save a new View:

  1. Follow the steps above to apply filters to a dashboard.
  2. Click Create View in the top right corner of the dashboard.
  3. Name your View; this name will appear in the list of saved Views on all dashboards moving forward.
  4. Click Create View.

Immediately after you create a new View, the View’s name appears above the applied filters at the top of the dashboard. Click Clear View in the top-right corner to remove the View and its applied filter settings from your dashboard.

Applying a Saved View

You can apply a saved View to any dashboard in your Peacock Service Panel. To do so, click Views in the top-right corner of the dashboard, then select the View’s name from the drop-down menu. You can also hover over a View’s name in this menu to view a summary of the filter settings it contains.

After you apply a View to a dashboard, that View remains in place when you navigate to other dashboards. Additionally, if you leave the Peacock Service Panel and return, the View remains. To remove the applied View, click Clear View

In custom dashboards, you can apply Views to individual charts. Learn more in our Custom Dashboards guide.

Editing a Saved View’s Filter Settings

To edit the filter settings of a saved View:

  1. Click Views in the top-right corner of any dashboard, then select the View’s name from the drop-down menu.
  2. To make changes to existing filters contained in that saved View, click the filter name, select the desired parameters, then click Apply Filter.
  3. To remove an existing filter, click the X beside the filter name.
  4. To add new filters to the saved View, click More Filters, click on the desired filter, select your filter parameters, then click Apply Filter.
  5. Click Save Updates.

If you click Clear View without saving the updates, the saved View will revert back to its original filter settings. This allows you to make tweaks to a View during a data analysis without permanently changing the View’s settings.

Managing Views

After you apply a saved View to a dashboard, its name appears above the filter options. Click on the View’s name to access the following options:

  • Rename - Change the name of your saved View, then click Update View.
  • Duplicate - Create another view with the exact same filter settings. Name the duplicate View, then click Create View.
  • Delete - Delete the View from your Peacock Service Panel. Click Delete again in the pop-up to confirm. Keep in mind, this cannot be undone.