
The Opportunities page in your Peacock Service Panel breaks out segments of your payments data for which we can identify opportunities to lower your overall costs. This page includes tabs for the following data:

The Opportunity Transaction Value at the top of the page aggregates your approved transaction volume that could have qualified for cost savings had you taken advantage of enhanced data, network tokenization, or debit routing. Use the Date Range filter to select the time period for all tabs on this page.


Opportunities Filters

At this time, you can use the following data filters to view opportunity data for specific segments of your payments data: Processor, Card Brand, Card Type, Payment Method Type, Stored Credential, Issuing Country, and Presentment Currency

Enhanced Data

Some cards qualify for Level 2 or Level 3 processing, meaning if you collect and pass specific information (e.g. sales tax amount, order number, product description, etc.) when processing transactions with those cards, you’ll face lower interchange rates. In the Enhanced Data tab, you’ll find the combined value of your approved transaction volume that qualified for Level 2 or 3 processing. This is the total amount of approved transaction revenue for which you could have realized cost savings if you had passed enhanced data.

The Enhanced Data tab also includes a chart, demonstrating the combined value of your approved card transactions over time, broken down by their qualification for Level 2 and Level 3 processing. Notes to keep in mind regarding this data:

  • This chart shows the approved transaction volume that was eligible for Level 2 and Level 3 processing; it doesn’t exclude the transactions you may have already provided this data for.
  • Any transactions made with cards that don't qualify for Level 2 or Level 3 processing appear as Not Eligible in the chart legend.
  • This chart doesn’t include PayPal or Klarna transactions.

Network Tokenization

Network tokenization is the process through which card brands substitute a cardholder’s primary account number (PAN) and other card details with a secure, unique value known as a network token. There are many benefits to network tokenization, including increased data security, increased approval rates, improved customer experiences, and lower interchange rates. In the Network Tokenization tab, you’ll find the value of your approved transaction volume that could have qualified for lower rates if it had been processed with network tokens instead of PANs. This helps you better understand the cost-saving opportunity of employing a network tokenization strategy.

The Network Tokenization tab also includes a chart, demonstrating the combined value of your approved, merchant-initiated card transactions over time, broken down by whether they were processed with a PAN or network token. Notes to keep in mind regarding this data:

  • At this time, only Braintree, Stripe, Adyen, Fiserv, and Chase pass a flag with each transaction to identify it as having been made with a network token or PAN. Transactions processed through any other processor and transactions that don’t include this tag will be categorized as No Value Provided in this chart.
  • The chart only shows data for transactions with the stored credential values of recurring, recurring-first, installment, card-on-file-vault, or card-on-file-repeat.
  • The chart only shows data for transactions made with Visa, Mastercard, Amex, and Discover.

Debit Routing

As of July 2023, issuing banks in the United States must ensure all card-not-present debit transactions can be processed by at least two non-affiliated networks. This change created more competition among debit networks, leading to them offering reduced interchange rates by up to 30% to merchants who route debit transactions through their networks. The Debit Routing tab helps you identify how much of your approved transaction volume could have qualified for lower costs if routed through an alternative debit network.

The graph in this tab demonstrates the combined value of your approved debit transactions over time, broken down by whether or not they were eligible for alternate debit routing. Notes to keep in mind regarding this data:

  • Any transactions you have already routed through alternative debit networks appear in this chart under the category Not Eligible.
  • We estimate the share of your transaction volume that may qualify for alternative debit routing based on the BIN tables we receive from the card brands for our Parrot product; whether processors provide 8-digit BINs or only 6-digit BINs determines how accurate these estimates are.
  • Alternate debit processing eligibility is only available for transactions processed after January 1, 2024