Custom Dashboards
Legacy Content:
The following content is only relevant for Legacy Peacock users who subscribed to this Pagos product before December 2024. See Getting Started With Pagos Visualizations for our most up-to-date content
With custom dashboards, you can add a limitless combination of charts, displaying data filtered in any way you need to curate the perfect set of visualizations for your company. To access your custom dashboards, click Custom Dashboards in the main navigation under Peacock Legacy.
Creating New Custom Dashboards
To create a new custom dashboard:
Click New Custom Dashboard.
Enter a name for your new custom dashboard, then click Create Dashboard.
Click Add New Chart to open the Add Charts side panel.
Search for a chart by name or click a chart name in the Charts list. If you have a preference on which sub-chart appears by default in your custom dashboard, hover over the chart name, then click the preferred sub-chart.
Select as many charts as you want to add, then click Add Charts.
If you want to change the default sub-chart for any single chart, click the View By drop-down menu, then click the star icon beside the desired sub-chart’s name.
(Optional) To filter an individual chart by the parameters of a previously saved View (or add a new View), click … in the top-right corner of the chart, then click Add View.
While there’s no technical limit to the number of charts you can add to a custom dashboard, we recommend only adding up to 18 charts per custom dashboard. Adding more than 18 charts can lead to slow load times.
Filtering Individual Charts in Custom Dashboards
In custom dashboards, you can apply different filter options and Views to each individual chart. This is especially helpful for creating side-by-side data comparisons. For example, consider a situation in which you wanted to see how your trends in per-processor approval rates differ between two issuers. To see this comparison in one place, you could create a custom dashboard containing two charts displaying the same data: Processor Approval Rate. Then, you could create two Views—one for each issuer—and apply these Views to the separate charts.
To filter an individual chart in a custom dashboard:
Click … in the top-right corner of the chart, then click Add View.
To apply the filter settings from a previously saved View, select a View’s name from the menu.
To apply a new set of filters to the chart, click Create New View, opening the Create View side panel.
Name your new View.
Click each desired filter option, select the desired filter parameters, then click Apply Filters.
Click Create View.
Dashboard Filters vs. Chart Views: If you use a View to filter an individual chart in a custom dashboard and apply filters to the entire custom dashboard, the filter settings at the chart level take precedence over the dashboard-level filters. For example, if a chart’s View includes the Card Type filter set to only show credit card data, but the dashboard is filtered by the Card Type filter to only show debit card data, the individual chart will default to credit card data per the chart-level filter.
Using Date Range Filters in Custom Dashboards
When you set the Date Range filter for a custom dashboard, you select a date range for the entire dashboard’s data, along with a time interval to break the data down by (e.g. daily or weekly). Alternatively, you can apply a different date range to each chart in your dashboard using Views. This can be helpful for creating side-by-side comparisons of the same data parameters across different time periods.
To do so, follow the steps in the section above to add a new View to an individual chart; in the Create New View side panel, add a Date Range filter, then select a date range and time interval. If you want to use this same period filter on other charts in your dashboard, we recommend saving the View and naming it after the assigned time period.
Keep in mind, any charts in your custom dashboard to which you haven’t applied an individual Date Range filter will default to the parameters set in the dashboard’s Date Range filter.
Editing or Deleting a Custom Dashboard
Navigate to the custom dashboard you want to edit or delete.
Click … beside the name of the dashboard.
Click Rename to change the custom dashboard’s name.
Click Reorder Charts to go into edit mode; drag and drop the charts to put them into a different order in your custom dashboard. Click Done Reordering when you’re finished.
Click Delete to confirm you want to permanently delete the dashboard. This action can’t be undone.