Legacy Content
The following content is only relevant for Legacy Peacock users who subscribed to this Pagos product before December 2024. See Getting Started With Pagos Visualizations for our most up-to-date content.
The Data section of your Legacy Peacock Service Panel provides you with added context regarding the payments data you import into Pagos. It contains the following pages:
Know Your Data
We designed Know Your Data to help you better understand what's going on behind your payments data. Each tab in this section presents statistics on attributes of your data to better inform how you filter your charts and dashboards when searching for insights or checking the health of your payments stack. Most of the Know Your Data tabs are named after filter options in Peacock and contain a table breaking down your payments data by that filter’s parameters. You can take the following actions to organize a Know Your Data table:
- Click a column header to sort the table’s data in ascending or descending order by that column’s values
- Use the Date Range filter in the top-right corner to select a specific time period
- Click Export to download a CSV file of the table’s data; in the side panel, you’ll select which columns you want to include in the downloaded report
At this time, Know Your Data contains the following tabs:
This table identifies the top BINs associated with payment cards you've processed transactions for. This page includes three filters:
- Use the Processor filter to review the BINs used for transactions processed through a specific processor.
- Use the Count filter to select the number of individual BINs you want to view your payments data broken down by (e.g. 100, 200, 500, or All).
- Use the Transaction Response Code filter to identify the BINs associated with transactions that were declined for a specific reason (e.g. suspected_fraud).
- Use the Card Brand filter to view only BINs for transactions processed with specific card networks.
Soft Descriptors
This table identifies the top soft descriptors used in your transaction data, along with aggregated metrics for the transactions tagged with those soft descriptors. Use the Count filter to select the number of soft descriptors (e.g. 100, 200, 500, or All) you want to view your payments data broken down by.
You can use this information to identify the best soft descriptors to filter your standard and custom dashboards by when exploring trends in your transaction data. Keep in mind, the Soft Descriptor filter requires you to enter the exact soft descriptor you want to filter your data by; click the copy icon to copy the exact soft descriptor value from this table to paste into the Soft Descriptor filter on other dashboards.
Using the Metadata filter, select a metadata field you want to view payments data for. The table then displays each metadata value associated with that field, along with aggregated metrics for the transactions tagged with those metadata values. Use the Count filter to select the number of metadata values (e.g. 100, 200, etc.) you want to view your payments data broken down by.
You can use this information to identify the best metadata fields to filter your standard and custom dashboards. Learn more about how you might use Metadata in our Labeling Transactions with Soft Descriptors and Metadata guide.
Turnover & AOV
This Know Your Data tab contains a chart, demonstrating your net turnover and average order value (AOV) in your business's operating currency, over the set date range. We define these metrics as follows:
- Turnover - Total value of all successful sale transactions minus any refunds and chargebacks that settle successfully
- Average Order Value - Total value of all successful sales transactions divided by total number of orders
You can apply filters or Views to this chart, just as you would in standard or custom dashboards.
Early Access Feature
At this time, the Reports feature is only available to Pagos Data Export users. For more information about the Reports or Data Exports, contact your Pagos Account Manager.
When you connect your payment processors to Pagos, we import all of your payments data from each source and aggregate it together for display in Peacock's charts and dashboards. In this manner, Peacock acts as a single source of truth for your aggregated payment metrics and events across all data types. To assist your teams with integrating such data into your workflows, we can provide you with this data in a CSV downloadable report. You can create and download these forms from the Reports page.
Generating a New Report
To generate a report:
- Click Create New Report.
- Click the Report Type drop-down to select the data type you want a report for (e.g. Transactions, Chargebacks, etc.).
- If you select BIN List as your Report Type, you must then select a Metric from the dropdown (Transaction Count/Value, Approval Rate/Count with Decline Rate/Count, Chargeback Rate/Count, or Refund Rate/Count).
- Click the Date Rate (UTC) drop-down to select a time period, then click Apply. Keep in mind, all time periods will appear in UTC.
- Click the Data Connection Name drop-down, then select the data connection you want to download data for.
- If you’d like to download your data on a regular and repeating basis, click the Schedule Report toggle.
- Give your scheduled report a Schedule Title
- Select a Frequency for how often you want to download the scheduled report (e.g. daily or monthly).
- Click Create & Schedule Report.
Your report will appear in the Scheduled tab. When the report is complete, it'll appear in the Completed tabe with the status of Done. Click on a report to view the details and all available Download Links. Click a link to download the CSV report file.
If your report file exceeds 1.5GB, we'll split it into multiple downloadable files. The default name for each file will indicate which part of the report it is (Part 1, Part 2, etc.).
Supported Data Types
For all data connections we will provide access to specific Core Metrics, provided the data is available in the selected data connection:
- Adyen Transactions
- BIN List
- Fees
- Invoices
- Transactions
- Verifications
- Transformed Transactions (Deduplicated, Re-mapped)
- Disbursements
- Refunds
- Chargebacks
- Interchange & Network Fee Details
What data attributes appear in a report depends on the data type you selected as the Report Type. Examples include payment method type, issuing bank, issuer BIN, currency, transaction flags (e.g. CVV, AVS, 3DS), detailed response codes, status, metadata, and more.
Transaction Lifecycle Changes
If any objects in the Core Metric set change over time (e.g. a chargeback or transaction's status changes), Pagos will send the object again with the new status. As such, if you download reports on a regular basis, you will see the same object in multiple reports with a different status. For example, a report downloaded on Monday may have a chargeback with the status of dispute_open, while the report on Wednesday will include the same chargeback with the status of dispute_accepted.
Updated about 1 month ago