

We’ve added a new section to Visualizations titled Snapshots. Here, you’ll find a customizable dashboard of payments data visualizations, with a variety of charts under the following categories:

  • Approvals & Transactions
  • Declines
  • Payment Methods
  • Cards
  • Chargebacks
  • Issuers
  • Subscription & Stored Credentials
  • 3D Secure
  • Advanced Authentication
  • Refunds


We’ve added another payments metric to the Alerts page: Chargeback Count. Pagos will now automatically monitor your total count of card-based disputes and alert you of anomalies.



We’ve released a new section in the Pagos Service Panel called Observability. In this new section, you’ll find Alerts.

Alerts offers you a daily health check for your payment processing strategy—no manual setup required! Identify at a glance when your business has experienced unexpected and abnormal changes to key payment metrics like approval rate and attempted transaction count.

Check out our Alerts guide for more information!



In the Charts section of Pagos Visualizations, you can now build custom charts demonstrating the following verification metrics:

  • Verification Rate - The percentage of total verification attempts that succeeded in a given time period; calculated by dividing the total number of approved verifications by the total number of attempted verifications

  • Verification Count - The total number of attempted verifications processed in a given time period

  • Verification Value - The total combined value of all attempted verifications processed in a given time period


The Penalties page under the Costs section of Peacock Visualizations now includes data imported from Adyen. This page now displays your data for all of the following connected processors:

  • Adyen

  • Braintree

  • Chase

  • Stripe

  • Worldpay


As of December 6, 2024, we’ve introduced a significant change to our UI, namely moving Parrot, Peacock, Canary, Flamingo, and Puffin into a single interface: the Pagos Service Panel. Almost all Pagos customers use multiple Pagos products, and as such, we wanted to make it easy to access and use all your subscriptions from a single platform. For any existing Pagos users, all functionality remains the same, but the names and locations of certain products or pages have changed. This involved minor changes to the ways you manage account details , add data connections, and access your API keys. All documentation on these topics has been updated to match the new UI.

Peacock Content is now under Visualizations

Moving forward, Peacock’s data aggregation and visualization resources are located in a section of the Pagos Service Panel called Visualizations. This section contains the following content:

All Pagos merchants who subscribed to Peacock before December 2024 will continue to have access to the following content, now located under a new section in the main navigation called Peacock Legacy:

Parrot Resources are now under BIN Data

Parrot and Parrot Batch resources are now located in a section of the Pagos Service Panel section called BIN Data. Here you’ll find three pages: Data, Lookup, and API Metrics.

All Peacock subscribers can access the Data page, which provides a detailed breakdown of the top BINs in your payments data. If you’re subscribed to Parrot, you can also access the other two pages. From Lookup , you can perform BIN lookups without any code or having to use the Pagos BIN Data API.

The Parrot API continues to function as is without any changes.



We’ve added a new section to Peacock called Charts. With Charts, you can now build out completely customized data visualizations. Monitor and visualize any payment metric, broken down by the dimensions you’re most concerned about, in whatever chart style meets your business needs. Dive deep into the KPIs or customer segments most important to your company, and even save these charts for future use. Check it out:

Metrics Changes

  • We’ve updated the bar lists in the Metrics pages to show the same metric as the tab’s name. For example, the bar lists in the Approved Transactions tab of the Approvals page show your approved transaction count broken down by various parameters.

  • You can now click Export in the top-right corner of the main graph on any Metrics page to download the data behind that graph. If you apply filters or use the focus feature, the downloaded data will reflect these data manipulations.

  • Data Connection is now available as bar list in Metrics pages (i.e. you can now filter by or focus on data connections).


As of October 25, 2024, we’ve released a new feature in the Metrics pages: Focus. A Focus icon now appears in the top right corner of most bar lists on your Metrics pages. Click the icon to change the main graph at the top of the page to show your data broken down by the parameters of the selected bar list. With Focus, you can now go deeper into your data with a single click!


As of October 18, 2024, we’ve released two changes to the Fraud Rules table in the Fraud Risks page of the Peacock Service Panel:

  • This chart now only displays transactions for which the processor provided fraud rule information. If your processor sends us a fraud score but doesn’t include fraud rule data, we’ll include the associated transaction in the Transaction Risk Scores graph, but not the Fraud Rules table.

  • We’ve added an Individualize Fraud Rules toggle. By default, the table groups fraud rules together, displaying the number of transactions flagged by a given set of fraud rules. Click this new toggle to list each rule individually in their own row, along with the total number of transactions flagged by at least that one rule and the average fraud score of those transactions


New Page: BIN Data

We’ve released an integration of Parrot’s BIN database into Peacock with a new page titled BIN Data. Use the tabs at the top of the page—Transactions, Approvals, Declines, and Verifications—to view the top BINs you’ve processed in the chosen category. In each tab, the table lists your processed BINs in descending order of the number of transactions (or approvals, declines, or verifications). Each row also contains the issuing country of the associated BIN, approval rate, and total processed value. Click on a row to view a corresponding BIN Details page, which lists all the standard and enhanced data points we have in our database for that BIN.

Learn more in our new BIN Data guide.


New Fraud Page

We’ve added another page to the Risks section called Fraud. This page is designed to showcase the level of fraud risk your business faces over time and is broken into two visuals:

  1. Transaction Risk Score graph: Stripe, Adyen, and Braintree automatically generate fraud risk scores to help you evaluate the level of fraud risk associated with each individual transaction you process. This graph breaks down the distribution of your transaction volume over time into six categories of risk score ranges (<0, 0-25, 25-50, 50-75, 75-100, and 100+).

  2. Fraud Rules table: See a list of the fraud rules triggered by your processed transaction volume. Each row in the table lists a fraud rule, the processor it’s associated with, and the fraud risk score your processor gives transactions flagged by that rule; you can also see the total number of transactions, chargebacks, and refunds processed in the selected time period that were flagged.

New Penalties Page

We’ve added another page to the Costs section called Penalties, which breaks down the penalty fees charged by your processors. The Penalties graph at the top of this page demonstrates your total penalties over time; use the tabs—Processor, Network, and MID—to see your penalty fees broken down across the named dimension.

Beneath the graph, you’ll find a Penalty Breakdown & Guidance table with a list of the individual penalty fees you’ve been charged, along with a description of the fee and guidance from Pagos on how to minimize that fee moving forward. At this time, we offer descriptions and guidance for only a portion of the potential penalty fees your business faces; click Export in the top-right of the graph to see a complete breakdown of all your penalty fees by the penalty name.

Other Changes

In the Approval Rate tab of the Approvals page, we added a toggle: View Attempted Transactions. Clicking this toggle adds your attempted transaction count to the Approval Rate graph, providing you context for the corresponding approval rate. Any filters applied to the page will also impact the attempted transaction counts displayed in the graph.


As of September 5, 2024, we’ve made a change to the Costs section of Peacock. The Fees and Invoices pages are both broken out into two separate pages:

  • Fees by Category - View fee data broken down by Fee Type Category

  • Fees by Subcategory - View fee data broken down by Fee Type Subcategory

  • Invoices by Category - View invoice data broken down by category

  • Invoices by Subcategory - View invoice data broken down by subcategory


As of September 3, 2024, we’ve released the following changes to the Peacock Service Panel:

  • We added a new no-code data connection: Worldpay Core. Contact your Pagos account team if you’re interested in this data connection!

  • In the Declines page under Metrics, we’ve added two new bar lists for viewing your decline data broken down by Decline Code and Decline Category.