
Pagos Changelog (December 23, 2024)

As of December 23, 2024, we've released a new section in the Pagos Service Panel called Observability. In this new section, you'll find Alerts.


Pagos Changelog (December 16, 2024)

As of December 16, 2024, we've released the following changes:


Pagos Changelog (December 6, 2024)

As of December 6, 2024, we've released the following changes to our products:


Peacock Changelog (November 8, 2024)

As of November 8, 2024, we’ve released the following changes to the Peacock Service Panel:


Peacock Changelog (October 25, 2024)

As of October 25, 2024, we've released a new feature in the Metrics pages: Focus. A Focus icon now appears in the top right corner of most bar lists on your Metrics pages. Click the icon to change the main graph at the top of the page to show your data broken down by the parameters of the selected bar list. With Focus, you can now go deeper into your data with a single click!


Peacock Changelog (October 18, 2024)

As of October 18, 2024, we've released two changes to the Fraud Rules table in the Fraud Risks page of the Peacock Service Panel:


Peacock Changelog (October 15, 2024)

As of October 15, 2024, we've released the following change to the Peacock Service Panel:


Peacock Changelog (October 8, 2024)

As of October 8, 2024, we've released the following change to the Peacock Service Panel:


Peacock Changelog (September 5, 2024)

As of September 5, 2024, we've made a change to the Costs section of Peacock. The Fees and Invoices pages are both broken out into two separate pages:


Peacock Changelog (September 3, 2024)

As of September 3, 2024, we’ve released the following changes to the Peacock Service Panel: