If the Toucan API fails, you'll receive an error in the format of the following example:
"errorDetails": {
"reason": "CardEligibilityError",
"message": "This card is not eligible for network tokenization."
HTTP Response Codes
What Toucan API endpoint you call determines the types of HTTP response codes you can potentially receive. This table outlines the types of errors you can receive:
Endpoint | HTTP Response Codes |
/tokenize | 201, 400, 401, 429, 500, 503 |
/transact | 200, 401, 404, 429, 500, 503 |
/status | 200, 401, 404, 429, 500, 503 |
/account | 200, 401, 404, 429, 500, 503 |
/asset | 200, 401, 404, 429, 500, 503 |
/resume | 200, 400, 401, 404, 429, 500, 503 |
/suspend | 200, 400, 401, 404, 429, 500, 503 |
/delete | 200, 400, 401, 404, 429, 500, 503 |
API Error Details
HTTP Response Code | errorDetails reason | errorDetails message | Recommended Action |
400 | InvalidProperty | A property validation check has failed. | Re-submit your request after correcting the input |
400 | InvalidInput | The tokenization service could not find data linked with provided input. | Check your Token Reference Id or Asset UUID; if you can't identify an issue, contact your Pagos account manager |
400 | InvalidRequest | The tokenization service could not validate the request. | Review the error JSON object for more details |
400 | UnavailableMerchantAccount | The merchant account is not available. | Contact your Pagos account manager |
400 | CardEligibilityError | The card is not eligible for network tokenization. | No further action required |
400 | InvalidPanReferenceFormat | The PAN reference format is invalid. | Contact your Pagos account manager |
400 | InvalidPanReference | The requested PAN could not be found. | Contact your Pagos account manager |
400 | InvalidTokenReferenceFormat | The token reference format is invalid. | Re-submit your request after correcting the input |
400 | InvalidMerchantStatus | The merchant account is in an invalid status for the requested operation. | Contact your Pagos account manager |
400 | NoActiveTokens | There are no active (not suspended) Tokens for the given Account PAN and consumer account. | Re-tokenize the PAN |
400 | InvalidAssetReference | The requested asset could not be found. | Re-submit your request after correcting the input |
400 | InvalidUuidFormat | The Uuid format is invalid. | Re-submit your request after correcting the input |
400 | InvalidPanFormat | The PAN format is invalid, or other data associated with the PAN was incorrect or entered incorrectly. | Re-submit your request after correcting the input |
400 | InvalidPan | The PAN is invalid. | Re-submit your request after correcting the input |
400 | InvalidTrid | The TRID is invalid. | Contact your Pagos account manager |
400 | InvalidTridNetwork | The TRID network is invalid. | Contact your Pagos account manager |
400 | InvalidPanNetwork | The PAN network is invalid. | Contact your Pagos account manager |
400 | InvalidPanExpiryFormat | The PAN expiry format is invalid. | Re-submit your request after correcting the input |
400 | InvalidPanExpiry | The PAN expiry is invalid. | Re-submit your request after correcting the input |
400 | InvalidTokenStatus | The current token's status doesn't support the requested operation. | Call /status to get Token’s current status |
400 | ProvisionDataExpired | The PAN information provided is considered stale. | No further action required |
400 | CardVerificationFailed | Invalid payment instrument or data associated with the payment instrument. | No further action required |
400 | CardNotEligible | This card cannot be used for tokenization at this moment. | No further action required |
400 | CardNotAllowed | The requested action is not allowed for a given PAN. | No further action required |
400 | CardDeclined | This card is considered not eligible for tokenization at this time. | No further action required |
400 | CardExpired | Card expired. | No further action required |
400 | CardCancelled | Card is cancelled. | No further action required |
400 | IssuerNotSupported | The Issuer of the Card provided does not support provisioning for cards they issue. | No further action required |
400 | ProvisionNotAllowed | Further operations for this card are no longer allowed. | No further action required |
400 | UserLockedOutFromProvisioning | User is locked out from provisioning. | Contact your Pagos account manager |
400 | DuplicateRequest | The PAN has already been provisioned to the device or the same request is currently being processed. | No further action required |
401 | AuthenticationFailed | The tokenization service could not authenticate the request. | Re-submit your request with correct credentials |
404 | InvalidTokenReference | The requested token could not be found. | Contact your Pagos account manager if the problem persists |
404 | MetadataNotAvailable | The requested token's metadata is not available. | Re-submit your request with a valid Token Reference ID |
404 | AccountNotFound | Account not found. | Contact your Pagos account manager |
404 | BatchJobNotFound | Batch job was not found. | Re-submit your request with a valid Batch job ID |
429 | concurrentLimitExceeded | You exceeded the maximum allowed concurrent API calls. | Keep concurrent API calls within the allowed Concurrent API Request Limits |
500 | SystemError | A system error occurred. | Contact your Pagos account manager |
503 | NetworkError | The network cannot process the request. | Re-submit your request later; contact Pagos if the problem persists |