This guide is a repository of information that you can access using Pagos BIN Data and use to refine your payments strategy or get to know your customers better. In BIN Data, there are two types of data fields for which you can receive responses: Standard and Enhanced.

  • Standard Data - Standard BIN data is included in every response for both Pagos BIN Data and Batched BIN Data.

  • Enhanced Data - Enhanced BIN data is available through Batched BIN Data and in Pagos BIN Data when setting the enhanced query parameter to "true".

Null/Empty Field Responses: The data provided in an individual field response depends on what data appears in the files Pagos receives from the card brands. If a field response is null, this means our network files don’t include any data for that field.

Any bool fields marked as “Visa only” will return a true or false value for Visa BINs; for all non-Visa BINs, they’ll return a null value.

If you’re using Batched BIN Data, see the Batched Data Dictionary.

Standard Data Fields

Data FieldVariable TypeDescriptionExample Response
bankobjectIssuing bank name and detailssee nested values
namestringIssuing bank name”Bank of America National Association”
phonestringIssuing bank phone”180004321000”
urlstringIssuing bank website
bin\_minstringThe minimum value of the primary card brand’s BIN range in which this BIN value falls”4225090000000000000”
bin\_maxstringThe maximum value of the primary card brand’s BIN range in which this BIN value falls”4225099999999999999”
card\_brandstringThe name of the card brand”Mastercard”
card\_segment\_typestringIndicator of consumer BIN or commercial BIN”consumer”
correlation\_idstringA unique Pagos ID that maps a BIN range to a specific network file; used for troubleshooting”eyJGaWxlSWQiOjE0NDUsIlZlcnNpb24iOjEwfQ==“
countryobjectIssuing country detailssee nested values
alpha2string2 letter country code representing the issuing country; Alpha 2 code meets the ISO3166 standards”US”
numericstringNumeric country code representing the issuing country; the numeric country code meets ISO 3166 standards”840”
namestringIssuing country name”United States”
numberobjectDetails about underlying PANsee nested values
lengthstringThe length of the underlying PAN”16”
luhnboolIndicator of the PAN passing Luhn validation”true”
prepaidboolIndicator of a prepaid BIN”true”
productobjectDetails about the card productsee nested values
product_idstringThe product ID according to the card brand”MWE”
product_namestringThe product name according to the card brand”World Elite Mastercard card”
typestringIndicator of the card type”Debit”

Enhanced Data Fields

Data FieldDescriptionExample Response
clean_bank_namePagos-harmonized bank name that has been formatted to proper case, removes unnecessary punctuation and misspellings, and spells out uncommon banking acronyms”American Federal Credit Union”
bank_urlIssuing bank website
bank_phoneIssuing bank phone number”180004321000”
regulatedIndicator of the presence of an interchange regulation on a BIN”true”
regulated_nameThe name of the interchange regulation”GOVERNMENT NON-EXEMPT INTERCHANGE FEE (WITH FRAUD)“
reloadableIndicator of reloadable or non-reloadable prepaid”false”
pan_or_tokenIndicator if the BIN is a PAN or a Network Token. Note: Mastercard uses the same BIN ranges for both PANs and tokens, meaning all Mastercard BINs can be a PAN and will therefore always return pan in this field—even for those that are actually tokens. Refer to the issuer_supports_tokenization field to determine if the BIN supports tokens”pan”
account_updater(Visa-only field) Account Updater enabled”true”
alm(Visa-only field) Indicator of a BIN or Account Range participating in Account Level Management”true”
domestic_only(Visa-only field) Domestic-only BIN or Account Ranges”true”
gambling_blocked(Visa-only field) Indicator that this BIN is not permitted to be used for online gambling”true”
level2(Visa and Mastercard-only field) Indicator of Level 2 interchange rate eligibility”true”
level3(Visa and Mastercard-only field) Indicator of Level 3 interchange rate eligibility”true”
issuer_currencyThe currency that was issued to this BIN to transact in”usd”
combo_cardIndicator for a card that has combined card type capabilities”credit and prepaid”
bin_length6 or 8 digit BIN”6”
authenticationIf additional customer authentication is required, this json array will indicate the authentication_name; this field is hardcoded based on issuer country law”authentication_name”: “EU PSD2 - SCA”
costIdentifies associated costs by name and amount, embedded as JSON in the columnsee example below
additional_card_brandsIf the card is associated with a secondary network (e.g. Star, pulse, nyce), this field contains that network’s details; note that secondary network’s typically provide less in their BIN data.see example below
issuer_supports_tokenizationSet to true if the card brand data indicates the issuing bank supports network tokenization. Note: The field doesn’t indicate if the associated card actually is a PAN or token, just what it supports”true”
pagos_shared_binSet to true if BIN is shared by multiple issuers; more BIN digits may be required in order to get the most accurate BIN details”true”
billpay_enabledBIN has been enabled to make bill payments to service providers electronically, or over the internet”false”
ecom_enabledBIN has been enabled to make ecommerce purchases, or purchases over the internet”true”
virtual_cardSet to true if the given BIN range supports virtual card creation. A null response indicates we do not know if there is support for virtual cards“true”
funding_sourceIndicates the funding source for a payment card, which is different from the type. Note: This field only displays the funding source for Visa and Mastercard; all other brands will show null.“deferred debit”
pagos_bin_lengthIndicates the length of the BIN as determined by Pagos using the bin_min and bin_max fields provided by the networks.”8”
multi_account_access_indicatorIndicates if a Visa card allows for Flexible Credentials functionality. (Note: This field is only available for Visa cards. All other brands will show null.) The possible values for this field are:
  • M - The card is multi-account managed, meaning the issuer manages which account is used and when
  • S - The card is multi-account self-serve, meaning the cardholder manages which account is used and when
  • N - The card is not a participant in multi-account functionality
  "card": {
    "number": {
      "length": 16
    "bin_length": 6,
    "pagos_bin_length": 6,
    "bin_min": "5244780000000000000",
    "bin_max": "5244789999999999999",
    "pan_or_token": "pan",
    "virtual_card": null,
    "level2": false,
    "level3": false,
    "alm": null,
    "account_updater": null,
    "domestic_only": false,
    "gambling_blocked": null,
    "issuer_currency": null,
    "reloadable": false,
    "additional_card_brands": [
        "card_brand": "NYCE",
        "bin_max": "4422669999999999999",
        "bin_min": "4422660000000000000",
        "card_brand_product": "NYCE Generic Product",
        "card_brand_bank_name": null,
        "ecom_enabled": true,
        "billpay_enabled": false
    "card_brand": "MASTERCARD",
    "card_segment_type": "Consumer",
    "combo_card": null,
    "type": "Credit",
    "funding_source": "CREDIT",
    "prepaid": false,
    "product": {
      "product_id": "MCW",
      "product_name": "World MasterCard Card"
    "bank": {
      "name": "Citadel Federal Credit Union",
      "phone": null,
      "url": null,
      "clean_name": "Citadel Federal Credit Union"
    "country": {
      "alpha2": "US",
      "numeric": "840",
    "authentication": {
      "authentication_required": false,
      "authentication_name": null
    "cost": {
      "interchange": {
        "regulated": false,
        "regulated_name": null,
        "domestic": null,
        "inter": null,
        "intra": null,
        "notes": null
    "networkfees": {},
    "correlation_id": "eyJGaWxlSWQiOjI0OTgxLCJWZXJzaW9uIjoxMjExfQ==",
    "issuer_supports_tokenization": true,
    "multi_account_access_indicator": null,
    "shared_bin": false