Loon API
Loon Update Codes
Loon standardizes the response codes from each card brand’s account updater service. The following tables break down how we map card brand response codes into the Loon Update Codes and Error Codes. These codes are the same for both Batch Loon and Real-Time Loon.
Loon Response Codes
Loon Code | Short Code | Description | Recommended Action |
LNR | NO RESPONSE | No updates are available for the account, or if the file contains multiple card brands, one of the brands hasn’t responded yet | If the file is over seven days old and contains all LNRs, resubmit the file. Otherwise, resubmit the card the next time you use it to check for normal updates. |
LAE | ACCOUNT NUMBER OR ACCOUNT NUMBER AND EXPIRATION DATE CHANGE | The account number, or account number and expiration date are updated. | Update your systems with the new values. |
LCA | CLOSED ACCOUNT ADVICE | The issuer closed the cardholder’s account. | Update your systems that the account is no longer valid and don’t attempt to use it for subsequent transactions. |
LED | EXPIRATION DATE CHANGE | The issuer updated the expiration date. | Update your systems with the new values. |
LCC | CONTACT CARDHOLDER ADVICE | Additional information required on the account. | The merchant should contact the cardholder for additional information on the account |
LNB | NON PARTICIPATING BIN | The issuer of the card does not participate in the account updater program for the given BIN. | No action at this time. You can resubmit the account number in the future, as the issuer may participate in the account updater program at a later time. |
LNM | PARTICIPATING BIN NO MATCH | The issuer of the card participates in the account updater program for the given BIN, but there is no information provided by the issuer regarding the specific card account number requested. | No action at this time. You can resubmit the account number in the future. |
LNC | NO CHANGE | The account number and expiration date are unchanged. | No action required. |
LCO | CARD HOLDER OPT-OUT | The cardholder opted out of the account updater service. | Update your systems so you don’t attempt to resubmit this card in the future. |
LBC | BRAND CONVERSION | (Discover-only) The card brand has been changed but the issuer remains the same. Generally, the account number and expiration date stay the same, but could change. | If the account number or expiration date changed, update your systems with the new values. |
LCP | CORRECTED PREVIOUS UPDATE | The issuer corrected a previous update | Update your systems with the new values |
Loon Error Codes
Loon Code | Short Code | Description | Recommended Action |
LE01 | UNDEFINED ERROR | Undefined error from the card brand. | Contact your Pagos Account Manager. |
LE02 | ACCOUNT NUMBER INVALID | The account number is not a valid PAN or is not a valid card for the given card brand. | Review and update the data. |
LE03 | ACCOUNT NUMBER FORMAT INVALID | The account number isn’t in the proper format. | Review and update the data. |
LE04 | EXPIRATION DATE INVALID | The expiration date isn’t in the proper format. | Review and update the data. |
LE05 | MERCHANT NOT REGISTERED | The merchant isn’t registered with the card brand(s) for the account updater service. | Contact your Pagos Account Manager. |
LE06 | SUB-MERCHANT NOT REGISTERED | The sub-merchant isn’t registered with the card brand(s) for the account updater service. | Contact your Pagos Account Manager. |