Peacock Changelog (October 8, 2024)
As of October 8, 2024, we've released the following change to the Peacock Service Panel:
New Fraud Page
We’ve added another page to the Risks section called Fraud. This page is designed to showcase the level of fraud risk your business faces over time and is broken into two visuals:
- Transaction Risk Score graph: Stripe, Adyen, and Braintree automatically generate fraud risk scores to help you evaluate the level of fraud risk associated with each individual transaction you process. This graph breaks down the distribution of your transaction volume over time into six categories of risk score ranges (<0, 0-25, 25-50, 50-75, 75-100, and 100+).
- Fraud Rules table: See a list of the fraud rules triggered by your processed transaction volume. Each row in the table lists a fraud rule, the processor it's associated with, and the fraud risk score your processor gives transactions flagged by that rule; you can also see the total number of transactions, chargebacks, and refunds processed in the selected time period that were flagged.
New Penalties Page
We’ve added another page to the Costs section called Penalties, which breaks down the penalty fees charged by your processors. The Penalties graph at the top of this page demonstrates your total penalties over time; use the tabs—Processor, Network, and MID—to see your penalty fees broken down across the named dimension.
Beneath the graph, you'll find a Penalty Breakdown & Guidance table with a list of the individual penalty fees you've been charged, along with a description of the fee and guidance from Pagos on how to minimize that fee moving forward. At this time, we offer descriptions and guidance for only a portion of the potential penalty fees your business faces; click Export in the top-right of the graph to see a complete breakdown of all your penalty fees by the penalty name.
Other Changes
In the Approval Rate tab of the Approvals page, we added a toggle: View Attempted Transactions. Clicking this toggle adds your attempted transaction count to the Approval Rate graph, providing you context for the corresponding approval rate. Any filters applied to the page will also impact the attempted transaction counts displayed in the graph.