Peacock Changelog (July 14, 2022)

As of July 14, 2022, we released the following updates to the Peacock by Pagos service panel:

Individual Chart Changes

  • The Approval Rate Trends by Processor chart in the default dashboard now includes an aggregate/disaggregate icon in the top-right corner for changing how the data in this chart is displayed:

    • Click Aggregate to show the aggregated approval rate and total approved transaction count across all processors
    • Click Disaggregate to show the approval rate and approved transaction counts for each individual processor
  • Update to the Decline Code Trends chart in the Decline Analysis report:

    • Data points - When you hover over a decline code in one of the chart's bars, a line graph appears displaying the percentage of total declines with that decline code over time. This line graph now includes data points, identifying the exact percentage for each point on the line graph
    • Compare to filter - You can now use this filter to select a time period for comparison. When you then hover over a decline code in one of the chart's bars, a dashed line representing the percentage of all declined transactions with that decline code in the comparison period appears.
  • The Chargeback Volume by Status Category chart in the Chargebacks report now includes a line graph. When you hover over a chargeback status in one of the chart's bars, a line graph appears displaying the percentage of total chargebacks with that status over time.

  • You can now use the Compare to data filter in the Chargeback Volume and Rate chart (which appears in both the default dashboard and in the Chargebacks report). Once you select a time period for comparison, a line appears on the chart representing the average chargeback rate across the entire comparison period; when you hover over a point on the chart, the legend populates both the total chargeback count and rate at that time, along with the change in chargeback rate from that of the comparison period.

  • Updates to the Approval Rate Trends by Network chart in the Network report:

    • The chart now includes a bar graph in addition to the trend line. The bars display the count of approved transactions—both in total and per card network—for each time interval in the selected time period
    • The icon in the top-right corner allows you to show or hide low-volume data points. When you click Hide low volume, the card networks that make up less than 0.51% of your total approved transaction volume are removed from the chart. Clicking Show low volume adds this data back in.

Individual Report Changes

  • Changes to the Flags report:

    • The CVV Flag Approval Trends chart now includes a line graph with the total count of transactions processed with each individual CVV flag, demonstrated over time. This line graph appears above the bar graph of approval rates by CVV flag.
    • The AVS Flag Approval Trends chart now includes a line graph with the total count of transactions processed with each individual AVS flag, demonstrated over time. This line graph appears above the bar graph of approval rates by AVS flag.
  • We've renamed the Issuer report to Issuing Country report.

General Peacock Changes

Each dashboard and report now includes a new data filter option called Soft Descriptor. To use this filter:

  1. Click + More, then click Soft Descriptor.
  2. Enter in a soft descriptor value, then click Apply to only view data for only those transactions with a transaction descriptor that include the text entered in the text field